Losing you

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The next morning I woke up in Dean's arms. We'd both fallen asleep together after having a funny and intense conversation about babies.

We even talked about names for our peanuts but it's nothing certain as if yet. After all there's four more months left before they meet the outside world.

Rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms I turned my head noticing our packed bags by the closet. I'd forgotten we'd also packed last night to go on this trip to 'Busan' today.

Slipping off the covers I fixed the shirt I was wearing which I stole from Dean and headed out into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

I quickly whipped up some pancakes from scratch along with some eggs and a fruit salad. Grabbing a small bowl I added strawberries, melon, mango, and grapes trying my best to mix them together. Still struggling to mix everything together I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around my waist as they snuggled their head into my neck leaving small butterfly kisses behind.

"Morning my queen." He said in his raspy morning voice. "I see you stole my shirt there. How do you like it?" He asked running his hand up my bare thigh giving me goosebumps with each touch. Everytime Dean touched me it was like I was being touched for the first time.

It felt electrifying and hot.

"Stop that or I be able to finish breakfast." I said breathless. I hated him for making me feel like this.

Giving me a small smirk, Dean placed a single kiss my cheek walking back into the bed room to put a shirt on.

"Alright let's do this!" We both hopped into the car getting some last minute belongings with us for this trip.

We'd quickly eaten breakfast so we could get on the highway and try to avoid traffic since it was the holidays. Five hours sitting in a car was going to be a challenge but we could do it.

Along the way we turned on the radio station while I jammed along to most of the songs of the radio. Yes I would squeal like a teenager whenever Wonwoo's parts came on. Dean would just side eye a glare my way.

He was cute when he got jealous.

"You know I actually met him before." I proudly said holding the phone that contained our photo dearly to my chest.

"Okay so did I ask?" He responded clearly irritated.

"No but Dean he's so handsome in person I couldn't believe I actually got to see him before me!"

"You got to marry every girls dream babe. I can make my fans scream by just looking their way. It's my name you scream at night." He said getting cocky while gripping onto the steering wheel.

I just smiled at him, slapping his arm, finding funny the way he got jealous so quickly. The winter scenery was beautiful so me being me I opened the window in the cold and stuck my head out to feel the ice air.

"Hey! Stick your head back in! What are you a dog? You're gonna get sick you dummy." Dean lectured pulling me back by the arm and pulling my window up.

After about two hours we stopped at a convenience store for a bathroom break and some refreshments.

As we got closer to the sea the air got colder and we suddenly felt like it was a bad idea to come when it was so cold here.

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