Friends with the Monster

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Ooohhhh who lives in a pineapple under the sea!?


Absorbent and yellow and porous is he

"SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!" I yelled at the tv while chomping down on a bowl of fresh fruit. I've been home all day in my pajamas after feeling a bit too dizzy and a small fever I felt coming on.

Hopefully it wasn't anything too bad that would affect the baby.

Dean insisted on taking a day off and staying behind to be with me but I told him I was fine and practically pushed him out of the house. This project was to important to him and the fans for him not to finish.

Whenever I felt sick I just watched cartoons all day with my hair up and sweat pants along with some snacks to feed my fat ass.

Taking a bite of a strawberry I suddenly heard my phone ring. Placing the bowl down and turning the tv volume down I reached for my phone looking at the caller ID.


"Hello?" I said picking up the phone.

"Hey Dani! I heard you were feeling unwell." She said in her high pitched voice.

"Yeah...who told you?" I scrunched up my face trying to think of the possible big mouths.

"Well Dean was so worried about you I thought I'd stop buy and give you some porridge." She said.

Deep down I really didn't want her to know where Dean and I lived. Why the hell would he even care to tell her I was sick. Didn't he not like her?

"Uh yeah sure. I'll give you the address hold on one sec." I said.  What can I say I hated being too nice to people.

She showed up to my house within a few minutes bringing a white paper bag with her. She'd stopped by a shop to buy some chicken porridge.

"It's nice and hot. I'll go get you a bowl and spoon." She said putting her purse down and inviting herself  into the kitchen. Soon she came back with a glass bowl and a spoon.

The bowl was filled up to the top and I heard the click clack of her heals come near me in the living room.

"Your hair?!" I said pointing at it. Her locks were now gone and replaced with a short bob.

"Oh this? I cut it because it was bothering me. Besides I thought it was time for a new look don't you think. You like it?" She asked running her fingers through her red locks while taking a seat next to me.

Squinting my eyes at her I racked my brain for answers on why I felt like I knew her from somewhere.

"Is something wrong darling?" She asked tilting her head in confusion.

"No no nothing at all."

"So how are you feeling? I'm glad Dean told me you weren't feeling well." She said placing her hand on mine.

"Yeah.." Was all I could manage to say. I wasn't going to lie the fact that Dean was getting closer to his Ex but he's my husband so I had won the game.

"Oh you must feel so loved. Dean is such an affectionate person when he's in love. I can only imagine." She said giving me a bright smile.

Was she being for real?

The hell was she on?

Okay I was starting to warm up to her but right now I really wanna rip that troll looking hair of hers.

"Does he still get all shy when you start calling him cute and what not?" She'd shifted her body to completely face now.

"Listen here you sk-" The loud ring of her phone interrupted me mid sentence. Good because once what I was gonna say came out of my mouth there would be no going back.

"This will just take a sec." Irene said getting up and excusing herself to the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and placed the ugly porridge on the coffee table.

After a couple of minutes passed I realized she was still talking on the phone.

Getting up I carefully made my way over to the kitchen just peaking my head through the doorway. Her back was turned away from me so I was sure she didn't notice me.

"Yeah yeah I got it don't worry you idiot. I'm buttering her up at bit while slowly snatching him away. He'll be mine in no time. I'll let it out in a few days. I have everything under control" She explained letting out a small laugh.

"This bitch." I whispered lowly.

I heard her start to end her phone call so I quickly and quietly ran back to the living room as slick as I could.

Sitting back down I started to remember where I knew her from. That stupid high pitched voice of hers and that hair due.....

She was the red headed girl Grey cheated on me with! The hoe that pushed me into the damńed pool! Oh man now I was really angry.

"Hey sorry about that do yo-"

"I need you to leave." I spoke sternly not losing eye contact.

"What?" Irene said placing a hand on her chest making it seem like she was hurt. This bîtch had no soul. First she screwed Dean over and now me?

"I need you to leave because I have to clean the whole house and I don't want you smelling the chemicals." I smiled as sweetly as I could. Eventually you learn how to master fake smiles.

"Oh uh okay I'll get going then hope you feel better." Grabbing her purse she gave me a quick hug before seeing herself out.

I needed to think about what I was going to do with this information I'd just learned.

Dean I have to tell dean!

My mind was racing with possible ways I would tell him. How he thought he could trust someone again who screwed him over in the past.

I can't believe I was starting to get along with her. I almost became friends with a monster that disguised herself as a saint.

Dumb red head was gonna get what was coming to her. 

Grab your popcorn you guys. My favorite three chapters I've written are coming up soon 😎🍿🍿🍿🐸☕️

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