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"Dean, I want a divorce." The words left my mouth just like that. I couldn't take it anymore and I wanted to be away from him and leave this God forsaken place I grew to slowly hate.

Kris would be going back to Canada to resume his modeling schedules again since he had been on break this whole time. I was thinking of applying for a stylist position where he worked just to start off with a fresh new vibe and not keep breathing this toxic air that was lazily killing me inside out.

Dean was clearly so taken a back at my statement that he didn't speak for a good few minutes.

"B-but Dani I-"

"Please Dean. You've clearly moved on and the only reason we married each other to begin with was because I was pregnant with your children and now....there's no need for us to be together anymore." I finished off my thought barely while I stopped trying to pull myself together.

Dean stared into my eyes still trying to process wat I was saying through that thick skull of his.

"Listen Dani I have a reason for why things are the way they are right now, and I'm close to getting what I wa-" He reached out for my hands but I moved mine away and I stood up not wanting to hear excuses.

"I just don't want to feel miserable and cry anymore. Being by your side was mostly pain I had to deal with. At one point in time I never told you, but I got death threats from some of your so called 'fans' for being with you but I brushed them aside because I had you by my side." My body was now shaking and I was starting to feel the effects of just eating barely one meal a day.

He reached out his hand to grab my arm and at this I'd given up. I had not strength to fight him anymore.

"Dani please." He pleaded bringing his hand up to wipe away one of my fallen tears. I was hoping that he'd see all the hurt I had felt though my eyes. He let out a long sigh before gently letting my arm loose of his grasp.

"Okay. I never meant to hurt you like this and I hope we meet again in better circumstances. Just know that everything I felt for you was real" He said with a small sad smile taking a few steps back.

I didn't want to say goodbye and I wanted something to remember him by even if I would hang on to it for the rest of my life.

Stepping closer to him I got on my tippy toes grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a longing kiss for the last time.

He responded immediately grabbing my waist and pulling me impossibly close. His hands slipped through my caramel waves like they once used to.

Placing my hands on his chest I pushed him away stepping back.

"I'll always love you Dean." I said taking small steps back leaving him just standing there looking lost and desolate.

Dean POV

Laying in my bed this late at night thinking about Dani didn't really help me at all. I was poison to her and I hurt her like I knew I eventually would but I being my greedy self wanted her more than anything.

This opened my eyes and made me realize I was moving too slow and that I needed to just end this once and for all

Picking up my cell phone I called her to make sure we were still on for tonight. She immediately picked up confirming our meet up and that I'd pick her up in thirty minutes. Once I hung up I quickly called in my friend at the police station that was working on our accident case.

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