Mr. Steal your girl

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I'm sure I'd shocked him because his mouth hung open while he held the fork that contained a bite of his mac and cheese in the air.

My feelings were all over the place and honestly I would be lying if I said I didn't feel like shit.

Placing his fork down he reached out and took my hand in his.

"I don't care. I can be a much better man and dad for you and your future baby Dani. I'll care and love both of you with all I've got." He looked into my eyes with sincerity written all over them.

"Kris I don't know wha-"

"You don't have to give me an answer now. If you marry Dean in two weeks that'll confirm your answer. Just think about it." Letting go of my hand his stood up taking his dirty plate over to the sink and then stepping out the kitchen.

In my heart I knew for sure I wanted to be with Dean but in my head I thought if being with Kris would be a smarter decision.

If only Dean would tell me how he really feels I'd run to him in a heart beat...

"Is that everything? Cause if y'all leave anything behind we ain't coming back." Bomi had us all in a circle making sure we all had our stuff gathered and weren't leaving anything behind.

"Kris you got everything because I know you and your dumbass always forgets something."

"Oh fuck off Bomi." I smacked his arm.

"Hey that's you're younger sister don't talk to her like that."

"Yes mom." He laughed.

We all got into our packed mini van trying our best to squeeze together. Since Kris was as tall as a pole he had to duck his head to get into the car so he wouldn't hit his head. Poor guys seemed uncomfortable since his legs are so long and the three of us ended up sitting in the back.

Why was it that the three of us always got stuck in the back together?

"Turn it up!" Crush shouted singing along to the requested song. Doing as told the driver turned up the radio which had just started playing Deans 21.

Hol' up
I almost won't have to look Oh nah
Love may be funny to you Oh nah
How many have you had before?
I wanna know you
I really wanna know you

I suppose you get sad
And you don't know why you're lonely
Some of these nights
Oh and I'm here with you
So tell me~

"SHES TWENTY TWENTY TWENTY ONE NOWWWW!" Sang Bomi and Crush loud as ever. Meanwhile I for some reason was tired as heck.

The night before I hadn't gotten any sleep because of my talk with Kris last night.

Now I had doubts and I didn't like that one bit.

"If you're tired just take a nap Dani." I guess Kris caught me trying to keep my eyes open. Still trying to keep my head I tried to sing along but I kept drifting to sleep. Kris placed his hand gently on myhead leaning it down onto his shoulder. At this point I didn't even fight it because I was too tired.

It seems I have a thing of falling asleep when I've been in a car for longer than three hours.

It just always happens.

We all got dropped off in front of the company building while everyone hurried to grab their things out the car just wanting to get home and rest.

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