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Looking at his extended hand and then up to his face you could genuinely tell by his smile that he was a very lively and happy person.

"Hi." I said returning the smile,taking his hand in mine and gently shaking it. "I'm Dani." He tilted his head to the side a little while squinting his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" I asked letting go of his hand, and placing it back on top of Duyu's head, who was desperately trying to retrieve another dorito from my bag. 

"No not at all it's just I've never seen you here before."

"Oh! That's because I'm new! I started today actually." He nodded returning his gaze to my lap and let out a small laugh.

"Sorry about that." He said reaching out and taking Duyu into his arms. "So are you the one who's going to be Dean's new personal makeup artist?" He asked pointing over to a posing Dean.

I coughed chocking on a chip.

He said what???

"Woah woah you okay there?"

"I'm sorry his personal makeup artist?" My eyes felt like they would pop out of their sockets at anytime now.

"Yeah! The last one quit because of family reasons or at least that's what she claimed. He can be a little cold sometimes but he's a good guy once you get to know him." We were both now looking over at him. By the way he spoke of him they seemed close.

"Speaking of which, why don't you come to lunch with us, you know so you two can try to get along and get to know each other better?"

"Um that's very nice of you but I hav-"

"Come on Dani please? Don't be a party pooper." He pouted. Gosh why did he have to look so convincing.

The last I wanted was to awkwardly sit in front of him without knowing what to talk about. Sighing in defeat I agreed.


"Great! We're leaving as soon as he's done." Grabbing his puppy's paw they both waved me goodbye disappearing from site.

Putting my bag of chips on the vanity I smiled widely. Guess I made a new friend today huh?

"What are we doing here I don't need to do anymore makeup?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Dani! Come on let's go!" Turning around I noticed crush standing at the doorway with a curious Dean sticking his head into the room to get a better peak.

We locked gazes for a split second before I looked away. I put away the freshly washed brushes in their respective spot and grabbed my purse.

"Uh thanks for inviting me Crush." I nervously said slowly approaching him.

"Why is she coming with us." There was that asshole attitude of his again.

"Don't be like that man it's her first day and I thought we could treat her. Besides I have a feeling we'll all get along well." Crush said putting his arms around the both us and walking out the door.

"That'll be all sir?"

Crush nodded handing the cashier his credit card paying for our chicken. Him and Dean both argued like little kids for fifteen minutes straight before finally deciding on chicken.

I had offered to help him with the food but he refused and told me to just pick and table and sit till the food was ready. So now Dean and I were silently sitting outside in front of each other. This was the last thing I wanted.

Room 1008 | Dean ♖Where stories live. Discover now