Cloud 9

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"Talk about a bum look." I laughed taking a good look at Dean's airport fashion look. We'd waken up at six am to catch our flight and now we were standing at the security check.

Dean had just left on his pj flannel pants and just exchanged his tshirt with a pullover sweater. It looked like such a lazy outfit but it looked good.

Whatever he wore looked good on him to be honest.

I wore his favorite oversized grey long sleeved shirt along with some black shorts and some converse.

"Says the one who looked through my closet for a shirt." He said laughing while I gently slapped his arm. We were so excited to go on our honeymoon.

San Juan, Puerto Rico was such a beautiful Place. The scenery literally took your breath away with just a look. I couldn't wait to soak my feet in the warm sun. Just thinking about it brought a smile to my face.

"What's my baby thinking about?" Said Dean, coming behind me, and wrapping his arms around me as we moved forward.

"Nothing much." I smiled.

Passing through security we grabbed our carry ons and made our way over to our gate to wait for the doors of our flight to open.

The ride there was tiring but bearable. We'd gotten first class tickets so the seats were very comfortable. I'd managed to fall asleep a couple times with my head resting on the window or on Deans shoulder.

Poor guy had to deal with my big ass head on his shoulder for who knows how long.

We took a rental car from the airport and went over to to the hotel we were suppose to stay at for the next three weeks.

"Woah she really planned this out well." Dean was right Bomi really outdid herself. As soon as we stepped out of the car we were greeted with fresh fruit smoothies which if I do say so myself were delicious.

The hotel it's self was grand and felt welcoming as soon as you stepped inside. Sparkling chandeliers hung from the ceiling plus the colors of everything just blended so well together it made the tropical scenery pop.

"What's our room number?"

"1008." Dean let out a small chuckle at the memory. That was his room number back in Hawaii where we first met.

"Here it is." Sliding the card on the door he opened it up rolling out luggage in. I insisted to help him with it but he wouldn't let me.

Man sometimes he was just so stubborn.

"So we can either rest or go out and take a walk on the beach and look for something to eat. Take your pick." He said kissing my forehead.

"Beach!" I shouted excitedly.

I changed into a long white lose dress paired with a sun hat while dean decided to go with a loose t shirt and shorts.

We walked along the shore with my sandals in one hand and my other intwined in Deans.

I just couldn't believe this was real and if it was just a dream then please don't let me wake up. Running across the beach, splashing water at each other and pick me up and spinning me around with the biggest smile on his face.

Room 1008 | Dean ♖Where stories live. Discover now