Different Kind of Love (BoyxBoy)

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A Little Message from Me:

So, I finally caved into writing another story. Here we have a story about two men looking for something that only the other has; if you don't like that...well love is love. 

Due to the disorders talked about in this story I was extremely hesitant about writing, and publishing this. The main character does have a mental disorder, and I did not write this to offend anyone. This was written based on the experience I have seen personally, and although I am not a sufferer of the disorders talked about in this story I loosely based this around people I know (with their permission). 

If anyone is offended by this, I promise that I did not mean to hurt/offend you with what I have written. I tried my best not to, but I'm not going to be perfect...

Prior to posting this I had one of my friends proof read it due to the topic, he said that it was okay but I was still kind of hesitant to publish. I wrote this story due to recent events that occurred in my own life, and I see writing/reading as a way to get away from reality for a few hours.

Further Trigger Warning: 

This story contains: self-harm, suicide attempts, mental health disorders (depression, eating disorders, etc.). If you feel like any of these events could trigger or effect you in any way, please do not read any further. 

Thank you

- HopefullyPerfect xox

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