Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Five days later...

<Jamie's POV>

The day I'd been longing for finally came; today's the day I'm being discharged from hospital! I need to have a few more blood test but then I can go home.

            Karen packed away some of my things as I came back to the hospital room from another blood test. "How are you feeling, babe?" Karen asked as she smiled comfortingly at me.

"I'm doing okay," I muttered as I used my one crutch to help me around, I felt so much better. I still had a bandage around my stomach to keep my ribs steady but they didn't hurt as much. The bandage on my head is getting taken off today as well. Most of my stitches had been taken out a few days ago except for the few at the back of my head.

"Have you been to see your physiotherapist?" Karen questioned, I nodded. The physiotherapist helps me exercise my arm so it doesn't go too stiff due to the break on my collar bone.

"And the doctor I just went to see gave me my medicine that I need for the pain, there's loads of it," I muttered as I took the bag from my bed and showed Karen.

"Well as long as it'll make you better you best take it," Karen warned as she wagged her finger at me. I just rolled my eyes as I sat on the bed. "Anyway, you're coming home at six once your final blood test has been taken."

"Thank God," I muttered under my breath as I used my good arm to get my broken leg onto the bed properly, after that I lay in the most comfy position I could in my situation. "Can Daniel come over to ours when I come out of here?"

"I suppose so, have you two got something going on? I know I asked this a while back but things seem a little more...serious?" Karen asked, she sounded a little like Ellie.

"No, how come everyone thinks that?" I asked, it was supposed to be rhetorical but Karen answered anyway.

"Because you two have been joined at the hip since you came in here," Karen laughed, I remember when people use to say that about Daman and I, now it's me and Daniel.

            My doctor, Nicholas, came into my ward as I budged up in my bed so he could sit at the end of it. "What's going on then, Jay?" Nicholas asked as he put his clipboard on the table, Nicholas is actually a pretty cool guy and he's more laid back then the rest of the doctors.

"Not much, I'm so excited about leaving this place though," I smiled as I glanced around the room, I've never been so happy about going home in my life.

"What? Am I that bad of a doctor that you just want to leave?" Nicholas asked dramatically. I just smiled at him but shrugged it off. "Anyway, I have some news. Karen you might want to hear this," Nicholas decided. Karen sat down in a seat instantly as she rested her hand on my leg.

"What's this about then?" Karen urged as she looked at Nicholas.

"Okay, firstly, it's going to take about five months for your skull injury to completely heal so please take caution in what you do. I don't want any bungee jumps or skiing trips," Nicholas warned me in a joking tone. I laughed but nodded. "Also, we've noticed a lot of change in Jamie's weight. Jamie hasn't been eating much at all and his weight has dropped dramatically," Nicholas spoke in more serious way.

"I've noticed that as well," Karen put in. I looked at her like she'd just told my worse secret.

"We've come to conclusion that you have an eating disorder, anorexia nervosa. And due to the circumstances you're in, we think it will be better if you go to a hospital which can help you recover," Nicholas told me, I laughed thinking he was joking but his face kept serious.

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