Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

<Jamie's POV>

My alarm clock started beeping in my ear; I would've thrown it across the room if it wasn't for the fact of it being my iPhone. I sat up in my bed slowly, stretching my arms at as I reached out ahead of me. 

Like every other day, Karen had laid my anti-depressant medicine on the dresser next to my bed. I quickly reached over for it then stuffed it under my bed; I obviously don't need the medicine if no one has noticed I haven't been taking it.

            Once I was dressed into some light blue skinny jeans which Karen had bought me, I made my way across the room to the wardrobe to find a top. I ended up just wearing a dark grey long sleeved top and a leather jacket. On my feet I wore some white converse. 

Karen went on some mad shopping spree buying me anything and everything, I think it's because Christian practically lives in jogger bottoms and I don't care what I wear Karen just went all out. 

"Dude, we're walking Amy-Jane to nursery again today," Christian told me as he came into my room before making himself comfortable on my bed.

"That's nice, now get lost," I responded as I flicked my hair to the side. Christian put his hands up in surrender before getting up from my bed and leaving.


I held Amy-Jane's hand as we walked into the nursery. 

A woman working in the nursery quickly rushed over to me and I looked at her warily. "Hi, I'm Cassandra," the woman introduced herself. 

I looked at her and nodded my head. "Jamie," I responded with a small smile, what else was I supposed to say? I felt rather awkward speaking to some random girl in a nursery.

"I was just coming over to ask who you are? I have to get a bit of a insight on the children's families and last time you were here Amy-Jane didn't tell me who you are," Cassandra stated, why didn't she just ask me what relation I had to Amy-Jane instead of making it into a boring long statement.

"I'm her brother," I told Cassandra quickly; I honestly didn't want to hang around.

"Who's that?" Cassandra asked as she eyed Christian who was stood outside of the classroom door watching people enter the nursery.

"That's our foster brother," I continued to Cassandra, answering all her questions. I guess if she is looking after Amy-Jane for four hours a day she deserves to know a little about her.

"Foster brother?"

"Yeah, we got fostered into a family who already have a son," I explained to Cassandra who was looking slightly confused.

"I'd assumed Karen was Amy's mum," Cassandra stated as she stared at me. I just shook my head.

"Our mum died, so did our dad. Amy and I aren't from here, if you can't tell by the accents we're from Liverpool," I informed Cassandra. "Anyway, I have to go to school now so I have to leave," I told Cassandra, she was a nice woman; a bit too curious though.

"Okay, thank you for the details though," Cassandra appreciated before waving me off. I gave both Amy-Jane and Cassandra a quick wave before scurrying out of the door before any of the other parents.


First lesson, I had science. I'd only choose English, Biology and Physics for my A-levels. 

I sat beside Cory like usual, luckily Daniel sat with his usual crew however Paige wasn't there. "How are you?" Cory asked me as I sat down in my seat.

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