Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

<Jamie's POV>

I'd only been awake for an hour and I had already found out so much. 

Karen was lucky enough to get me into the hospital at an earlier She had also told me that I might have to stay in the hospital without any contact with my family and friends for the first few weeks, just so I can settle down. 

I don't understand how that is going to help anything; surly it would just make everything worse?

            I limped down the stairs in some baggy pyjamas, a single crutch in my hand, whilst preparing myself for the long, sickening day which was today.

Slowly, I used my one crutch to help me get across the hallway and into the lounge. My grandparents were both sat on the sofa which was a surprise, however they both seemed completely oblivious to my presence; they were too busy snuggling with Amy-Jane. I cleared my throat in the doorway attracting both of their attentions. "Jamie, dear," my grandma greeted as she stood up from the sofa, holding her back as she came over to me. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, thanks. How come you're here?" I asked; I mean they were supposed to come last weekend but they had to reschedule, I just didn't know when for.

"We came to see how you are, make sure you're getting looked after properly and are healing well," my granddad told me as my grandma hugged me. "So how do you like it here?"

"It's not bad, I miss Liverpool a little though," I admitted as Christian slouched into the living room before plopping down on the sofa, he wasn't in his school uniform though. "Aren't you going to school today?" I asked as I sat down beside Chris.

"How can I go to school, I mean I'm spending today with you and the family," Christian told me with a smile, I smiled back at him as I nudged his arm. 

Even though I was happy and smiling on the outside, on the inside everything was torturing me. The thoughts of what had happened yesterday between me and Daniel kept running through my mind, no matter how I distracted myself. To make the Daniel pain worse, I also had to go a stupid hospital!

<Daniel's POV>

I ate my breakfast quietly in my bedroom not wanting to be sat in the presence of my other family members. 

My mum had already become obvious to my bad mood as she'd been trying to get me to tell her what was wrong for the entire morning. I haven't told her what's up though; I've just been counting down the minutes until I'd be leaving for school, that may be able to work as a distraction to stop my mind obsessing over Jamie. 

I prodded my fruit salad not feeling like eating anything before standing up and walking to my mirror. I use to look at myself as some sort of God, like my body was a temple and everyone loved me. Now I see myself as more of a...failure. I can't go a day without hurting someone, since I started school all I've been is a bully. Even though everyone supposedly loves me, I know that it's all just an act; everyone just fears me. Of course I have the odd few people who truly love me, like my family, my close friends...Jamie, at least he use to. 

I ran my hands through my chestnut blond hair before groaning loudly. "Why do I always mess everything up?" I question myself aloud before slamming my hand onto the wall beside the mirror.


I had free study periods' for the first two lessons of the day so I decided to spend it in the gym with Kayden. Working out always seems to relax me more than anything else. 

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