Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

<Daniel's POV>

It was like two o'clock in the morning and I hadn't slept a wink. 

My mind was going crazy with thoughts about what Cory had seen. What if he tells the school he saw me holding hands with Jamie whilst sleeping beside him? But then again, Cory is probably just as confused, he's probably wondering why a guy who supposedly hates Jamie is getting so close to him. 

I clambered from out of my bed clumsily, possibly waking Alfie who was in the room next to mine.


The sky was dark as I walked round the streets near my house. It was only half two so there was practically no one anywhere. 

With my hands in my pockets, I ducked down a small alley way which was by the side of my house. No one ever went down the alley way, it looks a bit like a drug dealers hang out so that's probably why. This town is far too posh for little, scruffy places like that. At the end of the alley there's a bridge which leads to a small field with a pond smack-bang in the middle.

To be honest, the whole place looked a little scary with it being so late. It wouldn't surprise me if there were foxes lurking in the bushes but the place was so pretty that I didn't even care. 

I took my phone from my pocket as I lit up my path whilst walking through the over grown grass and to the pond. I lay down beside the pond with my hands behind my head as I just thought over things. Most of the things were related to Jamie but can you blame me? I mean he's like perfect...


It was half six in the morning when I finally returned home, so my family would probably be getting up around now. 

As I cautiously pushed open the door I heard a shrill come from the mouth of my mother. "Daniel Kyle Hopson! Where have you been?" my mother asked, her voice was filled with worry as she checked my entire body for injury.

"I just went out, I didn't think you'd be awake so early," I admitted as I wafted her hands away from me.

"Where would you have needed to be at six o'clock in the morning?" my mother questioned not buying my story even though it was the truth.

"I just went for a walk, I promise. I couldn't sleep and I needed some fresh-air. I didn't die so it's okay now stop panicking, I'm seventeen for God's sake," I blurted as I walked up the stairs, throwing my jacket over the banister.

            "I heard about you sneaking out," Alfie laughed as he came into my room before sitting on my bed. "So did you have some girl you were meeting?"

"Nope, I wasn't even sneaking out. I just went for a walk, how come no one believes me?" I asked as I sat on my bed beside Alfie.

"A walk? And what time did you set out on this walk?" Alfie questioned, this family is so over-protecting.

"I don't know, two, half-two maybe?" I responded.

"You're so strange. You don't know what sort of creepers could've been out at that time," Alfie laughed as he stood back up.

"But they weren't so I'm fine," I confirmed whilst watching Alfie leave whilst laughing still. Jerk.


I walked into school with a cup of Starbucks...again; staying up late is turning into a bit of a habit for me. 

"Daniel," the annoying voice of Paige drifted into my ears instantly.

"What do you want now Paige?" I asked as I sipped my coffee whilst turning to face her.

"I honestly just wanted to apologise to you, and I was wondering if you wanted to come camping with me and the guys after school tonight?" Paige questioned, she seemed pretty innocent, not like she was obsessed with me.

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