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<Jamie's POV>

I had the perfect life, the perfect everything. And then I had to stand and watch it all crash in front of me; literally.


I walked through the school corridor, hand-in-hand with my boyfriend of seven months.

Daman and I had been dating since I was fifteen-years-old. We had originally kept our relationship a secret, however two months in my family found out; they accepted it so we decided to tell everyone. I don't know what I was expecting, but no one in our school really cared or said anything against us...

"So, what lesson do you have before break?" Daman asked, leaning against the lockers, his large hand still covering mine.

"I think I have science, you?" I questioned back in response as I combed my fingers through my hair with my free hand.

"English," Daman answered with a bored expression, "I can meet you outside of the IT block?" he questioned, I nodded in response before giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Eww," the familiar voice of Daman's best friend, Max, groaned as he staggered over to the pair of us- he thought he was cool, that was where the stagger came from. After giving Max a quick smirk, Daman pulled me towards him and planted a long kiss on my lips. "I think I'm gonna throw up," the blond exaggerated as he made fake gagging noises. Daman just flipped him off as he pulled away from me.

"Okay babe, I'll see you later," Daman spoke.

"Sure, I might be with Kyra at break though," I warned Daman. He just nodded before pecking my cheek one last time and walking off with Max. 

I loved him so much, and didn't think it would be possible to love anyone else.

            My best friend, Kyra, and I sat at the back of my maths lesson. "So which party are you going to?" Kyra quizzed desperately. I had been invited to two parties over the weekend, both of which were happening on Saturday.

"I don't know, I have to go watch Daman's football match first so I suppose I'll just go with him afterwards," I explained to Kyra for the fourth time this lesson.

"You and Daman, you're like joint at the hip. Can't you just miss one football game to come party with me?" Kyra pleaded. 

I shook my head; I'd never missed one of Daman's games in the seven months we'd been dating or the two months before that which we'd gotten close in."Daman says I'm like his lucky charm, I'm not going to leave him for a stupid party," I told Kyra as I crossed my arms showing I was standing my ground.

"Fine then, but you best come to one afterwards," Kyra insisted. "Promise?"

"Promise," I laughed as I turned back to the front of the class.

            Now we had Design-Tech. 

Again, I sat with Kyra whilst Daman sat on the desk in front of me beside Max. Every so often he would turn around just to pull some cute faces at me. I looked at the back of Daman's head before he spun around. "I love you," he mouthed before an adorable grin took over his mouth.

"I love you too," I whispered back. 

Everyone quickly went silent when the door swung open, however talking quickly picked up again when we saw that it was only a secretary who walked in.

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