Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

<Jamie's POV>

I shot up, a pain flying up my spine as I did so. 

The nightmares continued to haunt me like never ending horror stories, like I was the main character. My parents would always be there, along side of Daman. The varied on getting worse and better though, tonight it was just a regular nightmare. My parents' got ripped from me and Daman just happened to follow.

            There was a slight knock at my door as I rubbed my stomach trying to sooth away the pain which my back was giving me. "Come in," I called as I lay down on my propped up pillows.

"Here's your medicine honey," Karen told me as she handed me the box which contained everything in, my pain medicine, my anti-depression medication and my antibiotics. "Are you feeling any better?" Karen questioned as she smiled at me warmly.

"The same as yesterday, my stomach hurts a little more though," I told Karen as she gave me the plastic cup filled with orange juice. Since I'd been in hospital Karen didn't trust me with glass cups because of the shakes I'd been getting.

"Slowly recovering though, you'll be up and about in no time," Karen tried to cheer me up but I just stared at her.

"What, up and about the mental ward?" I asked as I took the first two pills of pain medicine hoping it would stop my stomach from hurting. "No thank you."

"Stop with this now, it's for your own safety and health," Karen stated as she pointed at me with a mother like look on her face, after that she left me to take all my medication. 

Like usual, I nabbed the anti-depression tablets and put them under my mattress so no one would find them, if nobody's noticed by now I obviously don't need them.

            I lay in bed watching re-runs of 'Glee'; yes I like 'Glee', sue me. 

"Jamie!" Karen called as she came trotting into my room with the house phone in her hand. "I've just had a call from the hospital."

"What did they say? That they got the results wrong and I'm completely healthy?" I asked, well more like pleaded but you get my point.

"No, you have a place in there and you can move in next week," Karen told me; those words killed my mood completely.

"Are you lot trying to ruin my life even more?" I questioned as I turned back to the TV, ignoring whatever Karen was trying to brainwash me with. 'It's just to help you,' my ass.

"You can't keep hurting yourself like this!" Karen's voice boomed over the TV. I turned to look at her, she'd never yelled at me before.

"Hurting myself? What's hurting me is having to live without my mum and dad, having to live with people who don't truly care about me," I stuttered back, Karen looked close to tears but I was just as bad.

"I know you don't believe that, you know you have people who care for you," Karen stated.

"Yeah, but these people aren't my parents'. These people took my good life away from me a replaced it with hell!" I shouted at Karen. A stray tear slipped from her eye but she wiped it away, probably hoping that I wouldn't notice; but I did notice. I'm not some heartless idiot like everyone seems to mistake me for.

"Jamie, you're going into the hospital whether you want to or not. You're not the sweet little child you use to be, that boy who use to get so excited whenever we went to visit you. You use to love coming down to London and visiting all the landmarks. With the help of the hospital you can get back to how you use to be, you'll understand that the world isn't against you," Karen told me, more tears fell and this time she had no urge to stop them. "You have crowds of people who love you," Karen finally stated as she kissed my head before walking off.

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