Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

<Jamie's POV>

I heard the door creak open yet I lay still. I could only just hear the sound of someone tiptoeing over to my bed so I let out a little breath, pretending I was still asleep.

With a slight jolt my bed sunk down under the weight of someone else. I tried to keep as quiet as possible whilst I kept my eyes closed.

A small hand started shaking my shoulder. "Jay-Jay, wake up!" Amy-Jane shouted in my ear as she began to bounce on my bed.

Still pretending to be asleep I rolled over slowly. Amy-Jane was still bouncing whilst calling my name. "Jay-Jay!" she squealed as she jumped harder.

When she wasn't expecting it I quickly shot my hands from under my cover before grabbing Amy's waist, she was laughed as I began tickling her ribs.

"Stop!" she squeaked as she tried to grab my hands to stop me from tickling her, I just laughed as she fidgeted before breaking free.

"Tell Karen I'll be down in a second," I told Amy-Jane; she just nodded, a toothy grin still plastered on her face. I laughed again before standing up from my bed.

For a Monday morning I was in the best mood, I think it might have been from the amazing weekend which has just past. Also, last night was practically the first night that I hadn't had one single nightmare about my parents, or Daman.

Finally, after endless months, I felt like I was getting back on track with my life. For the first time in a while I actually felt good about myself, like I was meant to be here.

            Amy-Jane and Christian were sat in the living room watching an episode of Dog with a Blog on Disney Channel. Christian actually looked like he was getting into the kiddies program.

"Morning," Karen smiled as she ate her cereal at the dining room table. Richard also looked up and gave me a little smile; like usual he was just reading a newspaper.

"How'd you sleep?" Richard questioned before taking a drink from his coffee mug.

"Better," I admitted truthfully as I walked over to the cupboard before pulling out a box of Cornflakes.

Karen had already gotten the milk and a bowl out so I just quickly made a bowl of cereal before joining Amy-Jane and Christian in the lounge.

"Why don't you ask Jamie to play with you?" Christian asked when he saw me walk through the lounge door.

"Because Jamie's eating his breakfast; Amy, I think that Christian is too bothered about not missing his program," I laughed as I eyed Christian.

Christian checked to see if Amy-Jane was looking at him, when he realised she wasn't he put his middle finger up at me and I gasped.

"You're supposed to show respect to your elders," I said, pretending to be offended.

"You're too much of a jerk to be shown respect," Christian replied, Amy-Jane slapped in on his leg as she turned to him.

"Jamie's not a jerk, he's good," Amy pointed out; at least she's on my side.

"Yeah, you get him Amy!" I cheered with a little laugh as I ate some of my, now soggy, cereal.


When I arrived at school Daniel wasn't even there, I'd assumed that he just hadn't come to school today; I mean he's not exactly one for following rules.

First lesson I had was English with Ellie. We both sat beside each other as we ate a packet of crisps which Ellie had snuck out of her bag.

"Have you got any plans for tonight?" I questioned as I took another one of Ellie's crisps.

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