Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

2 Months Later...

<Jamie's POV>

"Jamie, this isn't going to work. We're going to be in completely different places," Daman told me as he looked straight into my eyes.

Two weeks ago my parents died; today I was finally going to London to start a new family.

"What are you trying to tell me Daman?" I questioned, my voice was shaky as I spoke, absently fiddling with my knuckles.

"I'm saying, we need to start over. I love you, you were my first real love and I will always love you," Daman started to speak, I could already feel the tears welling in my eyes. "This isn't going to work, I'm sorry."

Everything came to attack me all at once. 

My parents died, that's how all this started. I lost half my world when my parents both died. Amy-Jane and Daman were the only people keeping me going. Not long after I was told that I would be leaving my beloved Liverpool but now, now I've been told Daman can no longer keep our relationship going. 

What did I do to deserve this?

"I thought we were supposed to be for eternity," I whispered, because what else was I supposed to say. 

Over the period of two weeks, I watched everything crash around me into the depths of nothingness.


My eyes flew open at the sound of my alarm, yet the memories of Daman leaving me played over in my mind repeatedly. Since Daman left me, my life crashed further than it already had; and I didn't think that was possible. 

Not too long after, I was made to see a therapist to talk things through. I have to take pills now, for depression. For the first weeks I took them, except I don't take them now; instead I hide them in a place where my foster parents won't find them.

I quickly sat up in my bed, grabbing the tiny, white pills from the tray that Karen had left before pushing them into a small box under my bed; no one checks my room, and I would dispose of them properly whenever I get the chance. 

After hiding the tablets, I slid from the warmth of my bed before dragging my rather scrawny body over to the full length mirror which had been screwed onto the back of my door. Scars decorated my body, line upon line dotted over my torso. 

I don't know what caused me to react like this... In fact, yes I do. My parents died, my entire life left me behind. 

Running my finger over the freshest cut, I stared at it intensely before hurrying away from the mirror to find some clothes to hide my body and scars.

                             After getting dressed- in a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple, black, band tee- I finally decided it was time to go downstairs and face my 'new' family. 

Everyone already happened to be in the kitchen, snacking on whatever they'd decided to have for breakfast. Amy-Jane was eating her cereal quietly beside my foster-brother, Christian. 

"Hiya Jay, what do you want for breakfast honey?" my foster mum, Karen, asked enthusiastically as she spread some jam onto her own toast, licking away the slight bit that had fallen onto her hand.

"I'm not quite sure just yet, I think I'll find something in a bit," I lied as I sat down across from Amy-Jane. Honestly, I haven't been eating properly since coming to this place and I just can't seem to force myself to do so. 

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