Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

A Week Later...

<Daniel's POV>

Alfie and I were watching a boxing match on TV as we ate our breakfast. I stirred my cereal whilst watching the match. "Boys, your dad and I are going to be out tonight so someone has to pick Summer up from school," my mother told us as she walked into the lounge.

"I'm out tonight, so I'm sorry Alfie but it'll have to be you," I said all dramatic-like.

"Where do you keep on going, Daniel? You've been home late every night for the last week," my mother pointed out as she crossed her arms whilst trying to look at her camera; she's a photographer for some fashion industry.

"I've been training with my friends," I lied as I pushed my soggy cereal to the side. 

Jamie still hasn't woken up; there hasn't been any sign of him waking up either. I've been by his bedside every single day though, I think his family are getting slightly annoyed by my presence but I promised him that I'd be there, so there I stay.

"Are you sure you're not pushing yourself too hard? I've barely even seen you," my mum began as she took my bowl away.

"I'll be fine," I answered. "It's nothing serious anyway, just a little mess about with some friends," I continued, sounding rather believable if I do say so myself.

"Fine then, and Eddie, you have football training tonight don't you?" my mother asked as she walked out of the room, in search of Ed I guess.


I sat in English with my back was pressed to the wall as I looked at the board obliviously. I was supposed to be writing some facts about "Macbeth" but I honestly couldn't be bothered, my mind was elsewhere. "Daniel is something bothering you?" Mrs Mosley asked as she pulled a chair up at the side of my desk which I was sat at alone.

"No, nothing is bothering me," I responded sharply- in the way that someone would if something was bothering them. I liked Mrs Mosley; she was a nice teacher and not too judging. Even though I haven't had the best time at school, she still is offering to teach me and put up with the trouble that I cause.

"Do you want to come outside and tell me?" Mrs Mosley questioned, pushing for an explanation. 

I looked at her before turning back to the desk. "I honestly don't have anything to say, Miss," I spoke harshly.

"Well if you don't want to speak to me then could you please get on with your work? You have an essay due in next week and you're not even planning it," Mrs Mosley began to nag.

"I don't care, I don't need school anyway. All the knowledge I'll ever need is already stored up here," I muttered as I pointed to my head. "What is Macbeth gonna do for me in life? There isn't very many days when a witch gives me a prophecy to kill the king so all this stuff you're teaching me is rubbish. I'm not gonna be a writer or director when I'm older so I don't need to know all this imaginary shit," I finished.

"Daniel, I'm not sure if something is bothering you in your personal life, but if you don't tell me I can't help you. Either way you need this work for you course work so please just complete it or you won't get the grades you need for University," Mrs Mosley stated before standing up. "Now do your work or you'll have to come back to finish it at dinner."

"Just because you're saying that doesn't mean it will happen, now please leave me alone," I instructed as I put my feet onto the chair which Mrs Mosley was previously sat on. 

Mrs Mosley shook her head as she walked back to her desk; she was probably going to get me removed from her class or something.

            In science Paige came and sat beside me again. I frowned at her as I ripped my sheet of paper up to make little paper balls to flick at people. "Daniel, I get it, you're mad with me," Paige began as she put her hand on my arm. "But Jamie's been found now, he's safe so us two should be okay again," Paige told me.

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