Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

<Jamie's POV>

I sat in the hospital bed after waking up to the sound of Karen shuffling around the ward in an attempt to clean things up a little. I don't know how the room even got messy in the first place, I mean I haven't left this bed since I came out of my coma. 

"Cory and Ellie are coming to visit me today," I told Karen excitedly as I shifted up my bed.

"That's nice of them, just don't get too excited," Karen warned me as she perched on the edge of my bed before looking at me with a serious expression. "The nurses said they can try and get you out of hospital by next week but you'll need a good month or so off school because of your skull fracture," Karen explained, I just nodded in response whilst processing the information.

"Oh, okay," I responded simply, what else was I supposed to say? "Has Chris got any baggy clothes I can borrow? I want to get out of this jarg hospital thing," I complained as I pulled the baggy dress so it was tight on my skin.

"I don't know what 'jarg' means," Karen responded as she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry, I would like to get out of this rubbish hospital thing," I smiled back, accentuating my pronunciation on the word 'rubbish'. "When you go back home can you ask Chris to lend me some clothes? Pretty please," I begged.

"I'll text Christian because I want to keep you company for a little, the nurses informed me that you haven't been eating as much food as you should be," Karen stated as she crossed her arms looking serious.

"Well then they're lying," I responded just as seriously. Karen's expression showed one of disbelief, she wasn't going to be fooled this time. "They give me like a meal that'll feed ten people," I objected again.

"Jamie, the hospital know what they are doing and how much you should be eating. Your eating habits are getting worse, I have noticed that as well; I've asked the hospital to weigh you and check your health," Karen pushed. 

I stared at her blankly for a few seconds. "Forget it, please Karen? As if I haven't been through enough," I moaned, why was she doing this?

"Jamie it's for your own benefit, not mine," Karen simply stated. "Now I'm not going to argue with you for any longer, it's happening whether you like it or not," she finalised, standing back up from where she had been perched. 

I groaned as I turned onto my side away from Karen, not really feeling up to talking anymore. "Can you please leave, I want to sleep."

"But you just woke up?"

"And...? Now I'm tired again," I lied as I shut my eyes tightly. 

Karen sighed loudly, but I heard the door close as she left anyway.

            It was around an hour later when Ellie and Cory arrived; Daniel said he was watching a boxing match, however he also said that he might be around later. 

"You asshole, how could you scare me like that?" Ellie asked as she trotted into my room before hitting my arm lightly.

"I apologise," I smirked as I rubbed my arm pretending her gentle slap hurt.

"You will do, I mean how could you just vanish like that? I was going crazy waiting for you to come back," Ellie told me with a stern look. "It was like my baby left!"

"Well I'm back now," I smiled as I watched Cory make himself comfortable on the small sofa that was pressed in the corner of the room.

"And now that you're back, I want to know what's going on between you and Dan?" Ellie asked as she plonked down on the chair next to my bed.

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