Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Three days later...

<Daniel's POV>

Today's the start of half-term; we have one full week away from school/college. 

I knocked on Jamie's front door before waiting for someone to answer. After I knocked another time, Richard answered  with a friendly smile. "Morning Daniel, I'm off to work but you can go straight up to Jamie," Richard told me as he stepped out the door but kept it open for me to go in.

"Thanks, Mr Loope," I smiled as I walked into the house, I felt rude if I referred to Jamie's foster parents by their first names. Richard nodded as climbed into his SUV before reversing off the drive. I shut the door behind me as I bounded up the stairs like an excited puppy. "Jamie!" I shouted as I burst into his room.

"Daniel!" Jamie shouted back just as loud, he smiled at me as he slid from his bed before using his crutch to come over to me. "Can we go out somewhere today?" Jamie questioned me cutely.

"I don't know, are you sure you're ready to go places?" I asked back nervously, I didn't want Jamie facing anything else which could harm him.

"Daniel, I'm going to another hospital in a few weeks time; I'm sure it'll do me some good to get out of the house, plus I won't be by myself," Jamie pleaded as he stood in front of me. "Karen got a wheelchair for me to use from the hospital, please Daniel?"

"I'll go ask Karen, if she says yes then who am I to stop you?"

"Thank you, you're like the best person ever!" Jamie exclaimed as he followed me from his bedroom and to the top of the stairs.

"Stay here, I don't want you to hurt yourself," I mumbled as I walked down the stairs in search of Karen who was probably in the study doing some work.

            Christian was helping Jamie into the wheelchair as he propped his leg up. "I feel so useless right now," Jamie groaned as he handed me the crutch.

"You'll be fine in a few weeks, you just need to recover so don't start whining," Christian warned Jamie as he made sure his leg was stable. "Is that okay?"

"I suppose, I mean I doubt it's gonna get any better," Jamie complained as he rested his head on his hand.

"Where are we going then?" I asked Jamie as I stood in front of him whilst I spoke. Jamie shrugged his good shoulder. "You want to go out so choose somewhere," I mumbled waiting patiently for an answer.

"You choose, somewhere quiet, with barely any people?" Jamie decided as he looked at me; I knew a place, the field behind my house.

"I know where we can go, no one is ever there," I told Jamie with a smile as I began to push the wheelchair. 

I liked doing things with Jamie; it's always so different compared to when I'm with my other friends. It's a little like when Kayden and I go out together, I don't have to keep a pathetic act up to make myself seem hard and like I hate everyone who isn't me. I mean, Jamie doesn't judge me even after I was so harsh with him; Jamie still accepts me.


I pushed Jamie onto the field and over to the deck beside the pond where I usually sit, no one ever comes here with me, not even Kayden. "What is this place?" Jamie asked as he looked around, scanning his eyes over every little thing.

"You see over there?" I asked as I pointed to a huge group of trees. Jamie nodded as he looked in the same direction. "My house is on the other side of those trees," I explained with a smile.

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