Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

<Jamie's POV>

Today I have my first real meeting with Oliver, and Daniel is coming with me. Also, I have to get the cast on my leg taken off. I still need the crutches but my leg has healed enough to stay in place. I'm not going to the main hospital until Daniel has arrived though; I have to meet up with my old doctor, Dr. Nicholas.

There was a knock at my door and I perked up hoping it was Daniel, but it wasn't. In strolled Oliver with a tray which held all my meds. "You seem happy to see me," Oliver smirked as he sat on my bed.

"I didn't think it was you, sorry Oliver but you get a little boring after four days," I teased as I crossed my good leg and left my cast-up leg dangling over the side of the bed so Oliver could sit down.

"I'm offended," Oliver gasped dramatically as he handed me the glass of orange juice and placed the tray so I could easily pick up the tablets. "So what are you having for breakfast?"

"Nothing, I'm not that hungry right now," I muttered as I took two tablets at a time, the quicker this is over, the better.

"You need to eat something Jay; you can have a smoothie or something?" Oliver offered but I shook my head. "I make you one of my specials?"

"Firstly, I'm sure they contain cod-liver oil so no thanks, but Oliver I'm just not hungry," I stated firmly. "Stop trying to get me to eat, if I'm not hungry then I'm not hungry."

"Jamie, you have to eat something," my mentor stated firmly, staring at me with a frown. "Even if you're going to throw a hissy-fit whenever anyone asks you too, we're not going to stop trying. You need to eat something if you want to get out of here," he added on calmly.

 "What are you going to do? Get a tube and force feed me?" I challenged Oliver as I drank a little more orange juice before putting it on the table beside me.

"If it comes to that then I guess we'll need to," Oliver muttered as he picked up the tray. "Why don't you just have an orange or something?"

"Because I don't want to eat an orange. I'm seriously not hungry," I refused as I crossed my arms stubbornly. "Anyway, I have to go get this thing off my leg. If I eat now it might make me sick," I made up stupid excuses.

"Jamie, you'll only be sick if you're getting surgery," Oliver muttered as he stood up with the tray. "I'm going to make you a smoothie, I'll bring it up in a bit," Oliver finally spoke as he left the room. I groaned in frustration, why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?

            Another knock on the door got me sitting back up from where I was lying on my bed. I didn't even care because it was probably just Oliver with the stupid smoothie that I don't even want.
"Come in," I called just loud enough that the person on the other side would be able to hear me. The handle pressed down as I stared at the floor, I didn't want to make eye contact with Oliver.

"Have I done something wrong?" a voice asked me, it wasn't Oliver though. I quickly looked up and saw Daniel stood looking at me.

"I thought you were Oliver," I admitted honestly as I heaved myself from the bed before picking up my crutches and limping over to Daniel who was looking perfect as ever. He looked a little more intimidating today though, he had some grey tracksuits on, matching jumper and bottoms which made him look a little like a thug and some Nike trainers. "I can't believe you actually missed school to come here," I spoke truthfully; Dan is actually really sweet sometime.

"I couldn't let you down, could I," Daniel smiled as he stroked my cheek. "Anyway, where are we off to first?" he asked as he put his arm around my waist so I wasn't just using my one crutch.

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