Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

One Week Later...

<Jamie's POV>

I lay on my bed upside down; both of my legs were resting on the top of my headboard as I tapped my toes against the wallpapered wall. 

I had no desire to leave my room today, I mean it's been an entire week since I last saw Daniel and I only saw him then because I wanted to take a slight detour from this hellhole. 

Karen has been down twice in the last week, she tells me she doesn't come more often because she's too busy, I think she's just getting bored to be honest. Christian comes down whenever he is free; when he comes we just play video games on the TV which recently got put in my room. Other than 'immediate' family, no one else is even allowed to visit me and I have no clue how long that is going to last. 

"Jamie, I have your medication," Oliver called through the wooden door.

"Come in then," I responded rudely, I'm sorry but you can't keep a happy face when you've been in a place like this for longer than two weeks.

"What's with this grumpy mood you've been in for the past few days?" Oliver asked as he entered my room, holding a glass of water and a little container with all my stuff in.

"I don't know, it could be for the fact that I'm practically locked in this place," I responded back as I turned around on my bed before sitting up.

"Is it really that bad?" Oliver questioned as he handed me the glass of water along with the medicine. I nodded my head as I took the first few tablets with the water.

"I miss my friends, I mean sure I've had people visit but I still need to speak to my friends sometimes," I responded seriously as I took the rest of the tablets, I've gotten pretty good at taking the medication; I've also improved with my eating, I putting it down to mine and Daniel's little day trip. The kiss we shared that day, I still remember it like it was yesterday.

"Well I'm sorry, but it's for you own good," Oliver tried to persuade me.

I just shook my head. "None of this is for me, I'm perfectly fine." Oliver just shook his head before taking the empty container which once held my medication.

"I'll see you in a bit, Jamie," Oliver finished as he took the empty glass from my hand. With that he left my room, shutting the door quietly behind him.

            I was sat on my bed; my good leg was crossed underneath my other leg; the one which had previously been in a cast.

I had the Xbox controller in my hand as I played the latest Grand Theft Auto game; Christian gave me his after he'd finished it. "Are you kidding me?" I questioned allowed as some police officer shot my character, dead. There was another knock at my door. "What do you want?" I asked, I wasn't too interested; it was probably only Oliver coming to speak to me like my own personal shrink.

"Geez, someone's in a bad mood," the person spoke with a small laugh as they entered my room; it wasn't Oliver though.

"Daniel, what are you doing here?" I asked as I paused the game before shuffling off of my bed and into Daniel's arms.

"I got invited to see you," Daniel smirked as he wrapped his arms around me securely. "Oliver said you've been pretty moody and decided it was best that I stop by, apparently I 'calm' you," Daniel laughed as he released me from the hug before putting his hand on my chin. "Is that true then, do I calm you?" Daniel asked with a grin as he pecked my lips gently, I loved kissing Daniel, but I couldn't stop the little voice in the back of my head which told me I was betraying Daman.

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