Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

4 Days Later...

<Daniel's POV>

I strolled back into my bedroom to find Kayden stretched out over my bed like he owned it. "Dude, move," I instructed as I kicked his leg making him stir in his sleep. 

It's been four days since I told Kayden about Jamie, it's also been four days since I last saw Jamie; the hospital thinks that Jamie needs a little more time to settle down so I'm not allowed to see him for a while...great.

"Dan, make sure that you and Kayden are ready for half eleven or we'll be late to the match," Alfred shouted from his bedroom; me, Kayden, Alfie and Edward are going to a boxing match today, a perfect way to spend Saturday.

"Yeah, we'll be ready," I called back as I kicked Kayden again; this time he didn't even flinch. I climbed onto my bed before bouncing wildly which cause Kayden to roll in every direction. "Kayden wake the hell up!" I shouted as I continued to bounce.

"Daniel, piss off!" Kayden screeched back as he kicked his foot out getting me straight in the thigh, about an inch off my crotch. I held my crotch just in case before flopping onto the bed.

"You almost dick kicked me," I spat as I kicked Kayden in the back harshly; that's what he gets from kicking me. I heard Kayden snicker into the pillow as he finally sat up. "Now get out of my bed!" I yelled as I grabbed Kayden's legs before dragging him from the bed.

"Okay, okay," Kayden nagged as he tried to wiggle his legs from my grip. "I'll get up, I promise," Kayden pleaded, I smirked smugly as I released Kayden's legs before letting him get up by himself.

            Once Kayden had finally gotten up, showered and dressed, he decided to join me and the family in the kitchen. We were all eating breakfast which consisted of different fruits and yogurt. "Summer, pass me the strawberries," I instructed as I held my hand out.

"Manners?" Summer questioned as she held back the strawberries, further from my grip then I could reach before.

"Summer, pass me the strawberries or I'll punch you in the face," I joked gaining a glare from both my parents. "Sorry, please may I have the strawberries," I spoke extremely sweetly. Summer handed me the strawberries and I put a few in my bowl before handing the bowl to Kayden.

"What time are you boys planning on coming back from the boxing match?" my mum asked as she glanced at all of us boys' who were going to the match.

"I don't know because I'll have to drop my friends off, Kayden needs a lift home and the Eddie has to go to football practise," Alfie began as he listed everything that was going to happen.

"Alfie, she asked for a time; not your life story," Kayden stated.

"Shut it or you'll be walking back from the match," Alfie threatened as he looked around me to meet Kayden's grinning face. "We'll be home for about six the latest," Alfie told my mum finally. She just nodded as she continued to eat some orange segments.

"Summer, you'll have to go to grandma's and granddad's," my mum stated, I'm guessing she has another day at work. Summer clapped her hands excitedly; she loves my grandparents' house. They live in a quite a big country house with stables so her and her friends go riding sometimes. I've been riding a few times; I'm not brilliant, nor am I a beginner.


We were all in the boxing gym now as the ring-girl stalked around sexily with her sign; I couldn't stop the voice in my head that was saying 'Jamie is still sexier'. The gym stunk of sweat but I loved the atmosphere. People cheered from each side, all cheering for different men. Two local boys made their way into the ring, one of them were pretty good friends with Alfie; I guess we're cheering on his side.

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