Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

2 Weeks Later...

<Daniel's POV>

After a hectic week in Doncaster, I was finally on my way home. My dad was speeding up the London streets, trying to get to the house before the morning traffic started.

It was only 6a.m on a Saturday morning but in London the city's always wide awake; there's never a dull moment. "Are you staying at ours tonight?" I asked Kayden who had taken it upon himself to come to Doncaster with us.

"I would, but I actually have a date," Kayden pointed out; I raised an eyebrow at him, why hadn't I been told about this?

"And who's the lucky chick?" I questioned, I had to know all the details about Kayden's love life; I mean I need to make sure no girls screw him over.

Kayden turned to look at me as he ran his hand through his hair. "You know Rebecca, the one who you kissed at that party...?" Kayden questioned, I nodded. "I asked her out the other day, she was pretty instant to say yes so I'm taking her for a meal tonight," Kayden stated.

"I thought you liked that other girl...what's her name again?" I asked as I looked out of the window, we were finally heading up the street which my house was on.

"Jessica?" Kayden spoke, I nodded again. "She slept with Ash; I'm not into that crap. I'm not one for taking rebounds," Kayden pointed out.

"Good on you," I mumbled as I continued to watch out of the window. "Just make sure you don't move too quickly with Rebecca, she's a sweet girl," I explained to Kayden; I still felt bad for kissing her at the party just to turn her down and leave with no explanation.

"Unlike you, I'm a good person; I'll move at whatever speed she wants to go," Kayden groaned as he stared out of his window as well. That's probably true, I have more of a temper than Kayden; I'm more action over words whilst Kayden's the complete opposite, how we're still friends I don't know.

When my dad pulled up outside of the house I was the first to get out of the car. Jamie probably wasn't going to be over until later in the day, I mean it's six in the morning!

"Boys' get my things for me," my father spoke, he didn't even give us a choice, it was more of a demand.

"Sure thing," I muttered as I pulled his clothes bag from the boot of the car, Kayden took the gym bag as well.

Since I made the whole announcement about mine and Jamie's relationship to my parents, my dad still hasn't really spoken to me. My mother doesn't like speaking about Jamie but she's getting back to normal, my dad however only speaks to me when we're either training or if he wants me to do something for him.

To be honest, I don't even know if he's ever going to come to terms with what is going on between Jamie and I. He seems to believe that if he treats me harsh enough I'll just get over Jamie, like being with a man is just a phase which I'm going to grow out of.

            I dragged the two bags I was carrying into my house before throwing them onto the floor of the hallway. "Mother, I'm home!" I shouted in a feminine voice. Kayden let a little laugh out behind me as we both walked into the lounge.

"Honey, how was your trip?" my mum questioned as she stood up. Jamie was sat beside her on the sofa; he was cradling a cup of coffee as if he'd been in my house for a while.

"It was fun, I came in third place but dad told me that was good for a first try," I pointed out, I was quite proud of my rank. My mum was trying to seem interested in my boxing match however I couldn't help but stare at Jamie who was smirking at me.

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