Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

<Daniel's POV>

I didn't remember falling asleep; however I did remember waking up with a stiff neck. 

One of my hands were stuck but the other one I used to massage the crick in my neck. It was then that I realised I wasn't in my own room, I was still in Jamie's hospital room. 

The room was light throughout as the sun shone into it, however yesterday once I'd finished telling Jamie everything it was dark out. Oh crap, I've been with Jamie all night

I quickly grabbed my phone from where it lay on Jamie's bed, just by his legs. I had ten missed calls from my mum, which was a little extreme; how they hadn't woke either of us up I don't know.

To: The Mother

Mum, I'm at a friend's house. Sorry I didn't tell you, we fell asleep whilst watching a film. Don't worry though; I'll text you when I'm coming home.

I put my phone back into my pocket and was going to get up to leave when I noticed something, Jamie was holding my hand. His fingers were tangled with mine. I couldn't even hold back the smile, I didn't want to. I had never been so grateful about it be a weekend though.

            Jamie was still sleeping half an hour after I'd woken up. 

I'd just been sat at his side, he was so beautiful. As he slept he looked so peaceful. Although he had a bandage wrapped around his hair, it's probably to help the fracture on his skull. Just above his eyebrow he had a few stitches on a nasty looking cut, it had gotten a lot better since he first came in though. The arm- which he'd broken his collar bone on- was still strapped up and his leg was in a cast. 

I continued to stroke Jamie's hand as his grip tightened whilst he moved in his sleep. He looked a bit panicked as he shifted restlessly but he didn't release my hand. 

"Jamie," I whispered as I placed my free hand on his shoulder trying to wake him up. He continued to move around but he wouldn't let go of my hand, if anything his grip got stronger. "Jamie, wake up," I mumbled getting rather worried. Finally, his eyes shot open but he looked terrified. "Hey, you're okay, I'm here," I whispered as I looked into his eyes.

"Sorry," Jamie mumbled as he took his hand away from mine.

"You don't need to apologise, ever." I just wanted to hold him, keep him safe."Do you want to tell me what happened?" I asked as I looked at Jamie, he looked so vulnerable. 

"My parents were there again, but they got snatched away. Something came and took them and I was left alone," Jamie told me as he stared at his hand, the one I'd previously been holding. "It doesn't matter, it was just a nightmare," he finished quickly as he looked at me with a small smile.

"Are you sure?" Jamie just nodded.

"Anyway, how come you're still here?" Jamie questioned, as he blinked his eyes still trying to wake up properly.

"I don't even remember, I guess I just fell asleep and no one asked me to leave," I told Jamie as I looked at his sweet face.

            Jamie and I had just been speaking to each other for another hour, it was only like half seven in the morning so technically visiting hours hadn't started yet. "You're still wearing the same clothes you had on yesterday," Jamie stated as though I didn't realise.

"Well I didn't exactly come here with a suitcase," I sarcastically responded. Jamie looked at me and tilted his head like a confused puppy. "Ain't you cute," I laughed as I poked his cheek.

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