Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

1 Week Later...

<Daniel's POV>

It had been an entire week yet neither of my parents wanted to bring the subject of Jamie up. My mum had told my dad straight after I had told her, the next morning he gave me complete silent treatment and that's how it has been ever since.

Alfred, Edward and Summer all are fine with me; Alfie's definitely the most supportive though, I mean he even offered to help me out during the entire thing. Edward and Summer aren't even that bothered, they just kind of asked me about it and that's it, they just seemed to accept it like they had expected it all along.

I was planning on telling Marcus, I mean I could have just called him up and told him; I went against that idea however as I couldn't help thinking that Marcus would fall out with me and I'll have no way of fixing the relationship as he is all the way in the United States.

            Like every other day, my alarm clock rung; the only difference is that today I was already awake and ready for the day. I had no intentions on staying in the house; I mean I wanted to get out as quick as possible without causing any scene with either of my parents.

I took large strides down the stairs, missing one step each time.

Alfie was already sat at the dining room table; he was watching some video on his phone whilst absent-mindedly spooning cereal into his mouth.

As I walked passed him he turned to look at me. "Hey," he smiled quickly before going straight back to watching his video.

"Can you tell mum and dad that I'm going to visit Jamie after school? They might actually listen to you," I told Alfie as I grabbed a banana before peeling the ripe skin from it.

Just as I said that, my father appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. He was wearing a suite, like every other day; he probably had some important meeting with some highly-qualified businessmen.

"I need you home tonight," he instructed, those were the first words he said to me since the day he found out about Jamie, other than when he was commanding me to follow his instructions in the boxing ring.

"And why do you need me home?" I questioned harshly as I took a bite of the banana in my hand before grabbing the carton of orange juice which Alfie had obviously gotten from the fridge earlier this morning.

"Because I'm your father and you should listen to me," my dad responded. I choked back a laugh before turning to face him.

"So basically you don't want me to spend my time with Jamie? Sorry dad but I'm still going," I responded with a smug smirk.

"No you're not," my dad responded firmly. Okay, so first he doesn't accept who I am and then he tries to stop me from seeing the person I love? Let's see how this pans out for him.

I stuffed the last bit of banana into my mouth before taking a drink from the almost empty carton of Orange juice. "Try and stop me," I muttered as I drank the last drop of orange before throwing the carton down to the counter.

With that I picked up my school bag and left through the front door; maybe I should stop off for coffee before school?


Kayden had agreed to meet me in a Starbucks which was a few streets away from both of our houses. Like usual, Kayden seemed pretty happy; he balances out our relationship, I'm a sulk and he's the happiest man going.

I shoved my hands into my pockets as Kayden walked over to me, the same smile plastered on his face. "What's that face? You look like someone just told you that your cat died," Kayden pointed out as he grinned.

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