Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

<Daniel's POV>

My eyes fluttered open as I sighed a sigh of relief. "Daniel get up now or I'll throw you down the stairs!" Marcus threatened from where he was stood over my bed.

"Marcus get lost," I grunted from under my cover as I buried myself deeper into my sheets.

"I'll throw your cover out of the window then," Marcus spat; I felt his hands grab the bottom of my sheet as he pulled it up.

"Don't pull it any further or you'll see my ding," I said signalling to my privates. I heard Marcus laugh at me before he ripped the cover off of me and exited my room.

"It's not like we haven't seen you naked before or anything," Marcus laughed in response before he continued to walk away from my room. I quickly cupped my hands over my penis before jumping from my bed and slamming my bedroom door shut.

            I rushed down the stairs, my hands patting my jogger pockets as I went down each step. "So, did you hear about that kid you don't like?" Ed asked as he looked at me whilst stuffing a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"What kid?" I asked, and then I remembered everything. I thought that was just a nightmare, Paige and Jamie. "Oh shit!" I blurted out.

"Daniel, watch your mouth!" my dad scolded as he frowned at me.

"Sorry," I apologised quickly before sitting down in my seat, maybe everything will be better when I return to school, the whole topic of Jamie might have died down or something? I quickly bit into an apple before freezing in my tracks, what if something has happened to Jamie?

"Daniel, sweetie," my mum began as she touched my shoulder. I quickly whipped my head around to look at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just thinking if I told Kayden about that boxing match. Is it okay if I leave now to go find him?" I asked quickly, truthfully I wanted to see how things were with Jamie.

"Sure, make sure he knows because I got us backstage tickets," my dad warned me. I nodded with a half-hearted smile before picking up my school bag and shooting out of the front door.


I'd been at school for at least an hour with no sign of Jamie and I was now in first lesson which was PE. All of the people in my PE class were sprinting around the track. I saw Cory quite close to the front of the group, maybe he knows where Jamie is. "Class keep a steady pace!" the coach shouted as he clapped his hands.

"Cory," I called as I caught up with him, running just a little faster. Cory turned to look at me, continuing to move forward at a constant speed. Unlike usual, Cory didn't smile at me when he looked at me. "Have you seen Jamie today?" Cory shook his head.

"No one has seen him since yesterday, he ran away." I stopped running and my breath hitched in my throat. I saw coach glaring at me so I continued to sprint after Cory need more answers then he'd just given me.

"What do you mean he ran away?" I asked, pushing past a few guys to get to Cory.

"I mean what I said; you were the last person Jamie spoke to before he left," Cory told me sternly, I'd never seen Cory act like this before. "Daniel, you were the last person with Jamie. Why didn't you help him?"

"I tried," I spoke weakly.

"Of course you did Daniel, I bet you pleaded him to stay didn't you? Or did you do what your friends would've wanted you to do and beat him up? Didn't you tell Paige that Jamie's gay, and that his parents are dead?" Cory questioned harshly, we'd now both stopped running and were stood face to face.

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