Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

<Daniel's POV>

I woke up in a hot sweat, even in my dreams Jamie is there. I looked at my alarm clock quickly, 5:27am. With a groan I slammed my head down on my pillow. 

Last night, in my dream, I was with Jamie, in the school; and then all my friends came in along with Paige and started laughing at the pair of us and calling us names. And then Jamie just vanished, one minute I was looking at him, how perfect he was; the next he'd gone, with a blink of an eye. 

I cried for him and then I woke up.

            Twenty minutes later, my head was pounding and I was still awake. 

I scanned my room in search of things that could control my mind but nothing worked. Every time I thought of anything, my mind would instantly switch back to Jamie and how lost he must be. And then I'd think about the question Christian had asked me, each time it would hit me more. Was I actually falling for a guy? A guy I hated? 

I eventually pulled myself out of my bed before pacing around my bedroom silently, trying not to wake anyone up.

            It was now six am and I was on my laptop watching some videos on Youtube and checking what people I honestly didn't care about, where doing on Facebook. I heard my door handle move as I turned to face the door to see who was coming into my room. "Daniel, what are you doing up so early?" my mother asked as she walked into my room. She was still in her pyjamas but she looked pretty much wide awake.

"I couldn't sleep so I just decided to get up," I told her.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're feeling okay aren't you?" my mum questioned as she began to baby me. I looked at her with a 'are you serious?' look.

"I'm fine, I just wasn't tired enough to sleep. Can I borrow some money though, so I can go to Starbucks before school?" I asked sweetly, my mother just nodded as she began making my bed. "I can do that myself you know."

"It's a habit, this is what happens when you have to look after five children," my mother stated as she smiled at me smugly before finishing my bed, walking over to me and kissing my hair. With that she left my room.


School was the same, it was only half nine and I was sat in my first lesson which was PE. After not getting very much sleep I was pretty shattered. "Mate, have you heard about Jamie?" Kayden asked as he sat on the bench beside me as I took a swig of water.

"What about him?" I asked trying to stay casual even though my stomach did flips at the sound of his name.

"Apparently he's been found; at least that's what I heard."

I whipped my head around to Kayden, a smile instantly forming on my face. "Who told you that?" I asked as I pulled my phone from my short's pocket.

"Paige, someone told her and she told me before telling me I had to tell you," Kayden told me, the smile dropped from my face as quickly as it had appeared.

Paige told him? The I doubt it's even true, Paige obviously just wants me to forgive her so she's going to tell me that what she did to Jamie wasn't even that bad because he's back. "Paige bullshits, she's probably lying," I stated calmly to Kayden as I text Jamie's number, I don't know why but I find comfort in texting Jamie even though he never replies, I guess it just helps me cope better; I'm such a girl.

To: Jamie

Paige has told people you've been found is that true? Kayden told me it was and I kind of have to believe him sometimes, but the fact it's from Paige makes it sound way less true. Anyway I wish you'd reply even though your phone is probably dead. See you soon!

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