Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

3 Days Later...

<Daniel's POV>

It had been three days and I hadn't seen Jamie in person once, he'd text me a few times and called me once which was nice; however this has been the longest time in over a month that I've gone without seeing Jamie. I'm still not sure as to when I'm supposed to be going to see him but I'll pester Christian a little at school for answers.


Alfie pulled up in the school car park about fifteen minutes after we'd left home. "If you two are late to the car tonight I'm going without you, I have to get to training for half three," Alfie warned Edward and I as we all got out of the car.

"I'm going out with some of my friends after school, you can go without me," Edward told Alfie as he took his bag from the back seat of the car.

"As long as you don't get into any trouble, if you come home drunk or smelling of fags you'll have me to deal with," Alfie warned Edward as he pointed his finger at him. Ed laughed as he began walking away from the car.

"Don't act all innocent," Ed laughed back before joining with some of his passing friends. Alfie stuck his middle finger up at Ed before turning back to me.

"Are you planning on getting a lift home or are you staying behind to get up to whatever it was you said you needed to do?" Alfie asked me as he crossed his arms; I'd still been using every excuse under the sun to stop my parents from getting suspicious about where I had been spending my time when I was with Jamie.

"I'm not completely sure, I'm hoping I can go to see someone after school but I'll text you for definite," I told Alfie as I took my bag. "See you later," I finished before walking off from Alfie and heading to the 6th form of our school. Alfie stayed at the car to wait for his girlfriend, Katrina.

            I walked down the main school corridor as I looked for Christian's tutor. I hadn't been in the lower school area for ages and it was weird being back down here. I saw Christian's friend, Gregory, pacing down the corridor so I quickly jogged over to him. "Greg," I called getting his attention. "Where is Chris's tutor?" I questioned quickly.

"It's back that way I think, in that little room next to the library," Gregory told me. I nodded and said a quick thank you before turning around and heading in the opposite direction to search for Chris's tutor.

            I peeked through the glass of the door looking for Christian, I could see him sat on the desk with his knees up and his back pressed to the wall. By the looks of things he was being a troublemaker, that's just like him. I knocked on the door of the tutor room before walking in like I owned the place. Luckily, the teacher at the front of the class was one I had when I was in year ten; she liked me. "Daniel, how nice of you to drop by," Miss Peach spoke as she smiled at me.

"Miss, nice to see you too," I smiled as I walked into the class before sitting on the table beside Chris; some of his dodgy friends sat in the chairs behind me, they got a nice view of my arse.

"So how are you enjoying sixth form?" Miss asked me as she walked over. "Chris I've told you to get off the desk," Miss spoke sternly.

"But Dan's allowed to sit on the desk, equal rights miss!" Christian randomly shouted.

"Dude, I'm older then you therefore I can do more things then you so get your butt of this table before I push it off," I warned Christian, Chris just smirked at me before standing up.

"I think I'm going to have to hire you to be one of my assistants," Miss stated with a laugh, is that a teacher joke because I don't get it. I just smiled at her pretending to be interested.

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