Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

<Daniel's POV>

"Daniel sweetheart, get up or else you'll be late to school," my mother's voice drifted into my room before the piercing light of the sun shone into my eyes blinding me.

"Why'd you open the curtains?" I asked in a harsh tone as I rolled in my bed, burying my face in my pillows to stop my poor eyes hurting.

"Because you're going to be late to school, Alfie said he'd drop you of at school if you're up in twenty minutes," my mum told me, I turned to face her with a 'are you serious' look on my face.

"Twenty minutes? What does he think I am?" I asked as I sat up in my bed.

"Honey if Alfie goes without you I'll just drop you off," my mum told me with a small smile as she walked over to the door. "I've made pancakes downstairs; you might want to get some before your brothers eat them all." 

I groaned loudly as I forced myself up in my bed. Living with three brothers and one sister isn't the easiest of things.

            Once I was changed into some clothes for another long day at school, I made my way down the stairs and to the kitchen where Marcus and Alfie were arguing over something dumb probably. 

"Mum! Why does Marcus get the biggest pancake?!" Alfie shouted as soon as I entered the kitchen.

"I get the biggest pancake because I'm leaving for America in a week," Marcus responded, for a twenty-two year old, Marcus is still very childlike.

"Both of you two shut up, Marc gets the biggest pancake, Alfie you've already eaten like five," my dad finally boomed as he stood up from where he was reading his newspaper at the table.

"Can I just get some food?" I asked in a fierce tone as I sat down beside my 10-year-old sister, Summer.

"Why are you in such a snappy mood?" Alfie asked as he pinched my cheeks teasingly. I glared at him with squinted eyes before snatching a pancake from the plate which was in the middle of the table.

"Because some jackass got me a detention for the second day in a row," I snapped; in fact I had almost forgotten about the blasted detention up until about five minutes ago.

"Do you want me to go pound his face in?" Alfie asked as he pounded his fist in to his hand; he was blatantly joking, with a grin printed on his face. I suppose it's pretty cool coming from a family of boxers, I mean if anyone messes with Summer she has four older brothers' who could easily take them down.

"Don't worry, I can do a good enough job of that myself," I laughed back as I took the pancake in my hands and roughly bit it, tearing it in half.

"Daniel Kyle Hopson, you will do nothing of the sort!" my mother shouted in my direction. I looked at her with a small smile, she still frowned nevertheless. "Now the four of you behave and eat your food. Keith, why don't you get the boys to behave?" she asked my dad who was still reading the sports section of the paper.

"They're just having a little mess around," my dad responded for us; see, he understands the fun/fighting side of life. "However, Daniel I don't want any fighting at school please," he scolded with a stern look on his face.


In the end, after all the bickering about how we were getting to school, my mum insisted that we all walked to school. 

"Daniel this is all your fault," Edward, my thirteen-year-old brother complained as we all walked side by side, occupying the entire pavement. Summer had already stopped at her school so now it was just Edward, Alfred and I.

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