Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

2 Months Later...

<Jamie's POV>

"Happy birthday, Jamie!" my entire family shouted as they charged into my bedroom, the fact that I was sleeping didn't seem to affect them.

"Jay-Jay, you have presents downstairs," Amy-Jane put in as she clambered over me like she did every other morning.

"Yeah? Then give me five minutes and I'll come down, okay?" I questioned my voice was thick with sleep.

"To say it's your birthday, you're rather miserable," Karen pointed out with a little smile.

"That's because it's my birthday, you're supposed to let me sleep in," I pointed out as I pulled my pillow from behind my head.

"It's a school day, if it was the weekend you could spend the entire day in bed, but it's not so you need to get up; what do you want for breakfast?" Karen asked.

I stared at my wall as I thought about it for a second. "A bacon and egg muffin," I smiled as I looked at Karen.

"Okay, it'll be ready in ten minutes so make sure you're up," Karen instructed before leaving my room. Amy-Jane slid from my bed.

"I bought you a present," she whispered before running off. I just watched everyone leave before I lay back down in my bed.

Birthdays aren't really my thing, even back in Liverpool I never really cared for the days. I mean I hate having all the attention on me, and when people make up the stupid excuse of 'it's my birthday so I can't do anything'.

I haven't even mentioned my birthday to any of my friends, not even Daniel knows when my birthday is and I kind of like it this way. I don't want him to think he has to spend money on me and treat me to things.

            I let out a moan as I bit down on my muffin, it tasted like heaven and is the best breakfast food on the planet.

"Once you've eaten you have presents in the lounge, there isn't much but I don't really know what kind of stuff you like," Karen told me as she put a glass of milk onto the table beside me.

"That's fine, you didn't have to buy me anything," I claimed.

"And why would we have done that? You're part of the family now, you deserve the same treats as everyone else," Richard told me as he came from the living room holding an empty plate.

I smiled at Richard and Karen. "Thank you," I smiled as I took another bite of my muffin.

            "Jamie, this is the present I bought you," Amy-Jane insisted as she shoved a present in my direction.

I quickly took the present from her hands with a smile. "Thank you," I appreciated. "Do you want to help open it?" I questioned with a little laugh, Amy-Jane loves presents and surprises.

Amy nodded before ripping part of the wrapping paper off to reveal a couple of DVDs; I'm just going to assume that Amy-Jane didn't actually buy this for me; she probably just wanted to give it to me.

"Do you like them, Jay-Jay?" she questioned with a hopeful smile.

I laughed with a nod. "I love them," I replied as I put them to the side.

Amy-Jane handed me another box. I took it from her hands again and she began unwrapping it eagerly. "What's that?" Amy-Jane questioned.

I opened the shoe box which was wrapped up revealing some Adidas shoes; they were simply black with white stripes down the side. "Thanks," I smiled as I looked up at Karen and Richard.

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