Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

6 Days Later...

<Daniel's POV>

I hated mornings the most, they'd been the worst part of my days for a week now; having to wake up realising that Jamie still wasn't going to be at school, realising that this nightmare is possibly everlasting. 

Also, I had to hide my guilt from my family and friends; they'd kill me if they knew I cared for him.

            In tutor, I sat in my normal seat and smiled at my friends as they entered the room. All of them looked so normal, like they had completely forgotten about him. "I had Paige on me this morning, bro," Ashley told me as he rested his feet on my desk, making himself comfortable.

"What did she want?" I asked, I was genuinely curious. For the past week Paige has been firing herself at me every chance she gets.

"To see if you were coming to that party or not, I'm guessing she has some trick up her sleeve," Ashley told me as he fist-bumped Cameron as he sat beside him.

"And you told her what?"

"That you'd be there," Ashley stated simply.

"Well you'll have to find her and tell her I won't be there, I have places I need to be," I told Ashley as I crossed my arms.

"But you've missed all three parties this week," Ashley stated as if I didn't know. I just shook my head meaning I stood my ground.

"I don't care, one more party won't matter," I replied as I took my phone from my pocket trying to entertain myself.

"Dude, what's happening to you? You haven't been to one of our parties for ages now. It's not the same without you," Ashley whined. I just shrugged my shoulders before looking over Jamie's number on my contact list. I'd tried calling him plenty of times but he never answered.

            I dragged my feet across the floor as I made my way to science, each time the guilt was eating away at me. Every time I saw Jamie's empty chair I would feel ten times worse then I already did before. 

"Hi Daniel," Paige spoke softly as she sat beside me again. I groaned as I continued to face the front of class.

"What do you want Paige?"

"To apologise...again. I honestly didn't mean to hurt anyone, I thought the entire thing would just blow over, I promise," Paige pleaded; I looked at her in disgust.

"I don't care, so tell someone who gives a damn about what you think," I snarled back.

"I don't understand, one minute you claimed to love me, the next you practically hate me," Paige stated.

"It's not that I hate you, I just dislike you...a lot. Maybe me not liking you has something to do with Jamie and what you did to him?" I commented like it was a question.

"Please, just forgive me already?" I just shook my head at her behaviour before watching the teacher.

            I made my way round to the back of school, alone. 

All my friends were in the cafeteria eating whilst I was on the search for someone selling cigarettes. I promised myself I wouldn't do this ever again but it might help me, make the guilt die down. 

Christian was leaning against the green bars of the fence surrounding the perimeter of the school grounds. A few younger years bought cigarettes off him, trying to make themselves look cooler in front of their friends. I looked at them all with a smirk, when I was in year seven I thought the exact same thing. I planned everything out, how to make myself fit in with the crowd. It worked mind you. 

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