Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

<Daniel's POV>

I woke up in an okay mood; Jamie had been put back into the psychiatric hospital yesterday but it's okay because I'm able to go and see him after school.

"Yum, pancakes," I smiled as I walked into the kitchen whilst rubbing my stomach. For some reason I was truly starving, I mean I felt as though I could eat a horse.

"Have we got any maple syrup?" Ed questioned as he walked across the kitchen with a glass of orange juice in his hand.

"It's in the fridge, Edward," my mother replied as she flipped the pancakes she was currently working on before placing them on a huge plate which was in the centre of the table. "Tonight your dad and I are going to be out, Alfie is going to training and Edward is at his friends so Daniel could you please pick Summer up from school?"

"I guess so, but I'm out tonight as well so she'll have to go to grandma's," I told my mum, she turned to look at me once she'd turned off the gas hob.

"Where are you spending all of your time? And don't say at your friends because I know clear and well that you're not with them," my mother began as she took a seat before placing two scotch pancakes onto her plate.

I copied her actions before drenching mine in maple syrup. "I've been spending time at the boxing ring, dad told me I had to get my training up before the big fight," I lied to my mum.

"You're lying again, Daniel," my mother stated, how did she know that? "Are you getting yourself into trouble, please don't say you're committing crimes?"

"No mum, why would I be committing crimes? And what sort of crimes would I even be able to commit?" I questioned sounding kind of shocked by my mum's accusation. I wanted to tell her about Jamie but I was terrified, terrified she'd disown me.

"I don't know, whatever you're doing it obviously isn't good; if it was, you would just tell me. I'm your mother," she continued to lecture. "Have you got a girl pregnant?"

"No, mum," I stated.

"Are you sure? Daniel, just remember that your father and I love you and we will support you with anything," my mother stated, yeah she says that now.

"I know mum, anyway I best get going; I have to go and meet Kayden so we can fetch his school bag from the gym," I told my mum, that wasn't even a lie.

I picked up a dry pancake before giving my mum a kiss on the cheek. "Tell Summer I'll be there to pick her up at ten past three, right?"

My mum nodded before looking at me sincerely. "This conversation isn't over Daniel."


First lesson passed quickly. Now Kayden and I were sat in the IT, for Uniformed Services theory, suite with a supply teacher who had no clue as to what he was doing.

"Kayden, get your feet down," the supply teacher scolded me; yes, Kayden and I traded names whenever we had a supply teacher. The entire class let out little snickers even though this joke was old news; I think they were just trying to get on mine and Kayden's good side.

Kayden grabbed my feet and shoved them onto the floor in a messy manner. "Sir, can I go and pee?" he asked.

"I'm not allowed to let you out in lessons, Daniel," the teacher told Kayden who just crossed his arms before glaring at him.

"So, if I just peed myself you'd find that acceptable?" Kayden questioned in a cheeky manner, I've always felt sorry for the abuse supply teachers get, but then again I just can't help myself.

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