Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

1 Week Later...

<Jamie's POV>

The sun shone in through my bedroom window, I didn't even pull my covers over my face like usual. Instead I slid straight from my bed, allowing the freezing air to attack my semi-naked body. 

I quickly collected some of my scruffier clothes –some gym shorts and a white t-shirt –before scurrying across my room whilst trying to dress. I couldn't even be bothered to shower; I mean the showers here are like prison showers. They're maybe a little cleaner, and you get a little more privacy, but they take like ten-hundred years to warm up and then the heat only lasts for a maximum of five minutes. 

Anyway, I'm going home today for the entire weekend. For two days straight, I have unlimited access to sleep, eat and shower; heaven.

            It was only about half past seven when I finished getting ready; Richard was supposed to be coming to pick me up at about eight as that's the earliest that I'm allowed to leave the hospital.

I was sat on the sofa in the game room, looking at the clock above the TV and just counting down the minutes until I was rid of this place...for a weekend.

"So dude, you're out of here for the weekend?" Alan asked, although he already knew the answer, as he plonked himself down on the sofa, putting his phone down carefully in front of him.

"I know right, heaven," I laughed as I looked down at my clothes, feeling a little awkward that my 'friends' were seeing me like this. Only Karen, Richard, Christian and Amy-Jane should see me in such a state.

"You're lucky, bro," Alan told me as he took his flat-peak hat from his head before scratching his fancy shaved head. That's a good idea, a haircut.

"I thought you're out of here in a week?" I asked Alan as I picked a pillow up before laying it over my legs.

Alan nodded his head as he put his hat back on his head. "I am, my brother is already down here to pick me up. I've already seen him twice," Alan told me with a smile. I think he looks up to his brother; he and his parents aren't very close so he lived with his brother before he got brought into here five months ago.

"That's awesome," I admitted, it was nice seeing other people happy. The fact they were leaving to go and live a normal life was great, I mean sure there will be the odd check up every so often but he's practically gone from here.

"Anyway, I better get gone. I'm off to find Tish," Alan told me as he stood up, Tish was another patient. Most people love her but we're not that close, I think she's just too much, she's so in your face and loud which I don't really like.

            The door to the game room swung open as Oliver strolled in, glancing around for me before coming over. "Jamie, it's time for you to go," Oliver told me, pretending to look sad.

"Finally, I feel like I've been waiting for hours," I joked as I picked up my bag which had some of my things in that I needed at home, for example; my iPad and phone.

"Just sign this for me and then you're free to leave," Oliver chirped. 'At least for a weekend,' he added on as he handed me a clip board with some paper on it. I took the pen and scribbled my, completely unoriginal, signature before following Oliver to the exit.

I'd never wanted to see Richard so much in my life.

            I walked out of the main part of the hospital and into the lobby, which was also the main entrance. Looking around, I couldn't even see Richard. "Hey," a familiar voice whispered into my ear. I whipped around, a little freaked out by Daniel's random appearance.

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