Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

<Daniel's POV>

The first night without a single text from Jamie killed me, I missed everything about him already and he'd only been gone for a mere twelve hours. Knowing that I'd be going to school during the day and then I won't be able to see Jamie afterwards just messes with me. It might be days, maybe weeks before I get to visit Jamie again. The thought of not knowing makes the pain ten times worse.


I walked down the school corridor trying to avoid all my friends as I made my way to PE. 

Today we have a military course to run through, even though it's throwing it down with rain outside we have to spend an entire two hours crawling and running through sludge. Quickly, I barged into the changing room where everyone from my PE group was getting ready into their uniforms. 

"Dan, you were almost late. You should be glad coach isn't here yet," Kayden mumbled as he took his polished boots from his bag and rested them on the bench whilst still making sure his uniform looked neat. Coach likes us to be dressed for the bell, I forgot that.  

"Well I wasn't late so it's all good," I responded with a gentle smirk as I sat on the bench and took my boots out of my bag as well. The shining black material looked pretty good, if not coach would have lost it at me. I took the neat beret from my bag and placed it on my now, flat, hair. Afterwards I stuffed my feet into my boots before tying the laces tightly.

"Do I look okay, anything coach would point out?" Kayden asked as he stood up before turning around so I could check him for any flaws.

"You look good, what about me?" I asked as I copied what Kayden had just done. Kayden gave me a thumb up as we both walked from the changing room following the rest of the class. I could see Ashley at the front of the line, he was speaking to some girl; I think it was Rebecca.

            My boots were no longer the polished black which they had previously been, now they were a disgusting brown colour, painted in mud. 

I continued to trek on, Kayden was about two people behind as I threw myself over one of the taller walls before crouching down behind it. I quickly looked around before sprinting as fast as I could, however my boots kept on sinking into the mud which was slowing me down a little. 

"Once you've crawled under the barbwire make sure you take a rucksack!" Coach's voice boomed as I ducked to make my way under the barbwire with a groan. I kept low being sure not to cut myself or get caught. I just wanted to get out of this stupid school, the mood which I was in was terrible and doing this made it so much worse.

            I had the huge bag on my back and it was weighing me down, even with that I still managed to make my way to the front of class as I continued to run. "You're almost there," I kept chanting over to myself as I clambered over another slightly smaller wall before running off to the monkey bar kind of things.

            After another half an hour of endless running and climbing I was finally finished, I threw the bag to the floor before collapsing beside it whilst waiting for my other classmates to catch up with me. They were quite far behind which was weird, I've never been that good a military training. 

Seen as my clothes were already so muddy I decided to just lie down on the soggy grass as the rain poured onto my face, cleaning it from any dirt splatters. I just wanted to sleep for days on end. My body was aching a little but I was too occupied with other thoughts to think about that. 

"Dude what did you have for breakfast? Powerade?" Kayden asked as he dropped beside me, his bag still on his back. I let out a stiff chuckle as I looked at him.

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