Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

<Jamie's POV>

When I woke up, I was still snuggling in Daniel's arms. The heat radiating off his body was perfect, it wasn't too hot, or too cold. 

Daniel had decided it was a good idea to go to bed in just his boxers, now here I was just drooling over him. I settled with relaxing in bed for a little, waiting for Daniel to wake up.

I could hear his light breathing as he slept, he looked so peaceful. His chestnut blond hair was now in some sort of a mess on his head yet he still managed to look pretty hot, I was kind of tempted just to run my hands through it but I went against that decision.

            About half an hour later, Daniel finally began fidgeting as his eyes opened. Daniel continued to stir before he locked his eyes to mine. "Morning, beautiful," he smiled as he kissed my cheek lightly.

"Hey," I smiled back in response, just that compliment made my heart flutter. "How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby," Daniel responded as he allowed his hand to go to my hair before he began playing with it, it wasn't as long as before so he just twisted it between his fingers. I felt him trace the scar which showed pretty badly from my new hair cut, I didn't mind though, it looked pretty badass.

"Do you want anything for breakfast?" I asked as I rolled over so my arm was now across Daniel's chest.

"I'll have whatever you're having," Daniel responded as he ran his fingers up my back, I guess that means I have to eat breakfast; great.

"Fine then, I'll go sort that once I've showered," I responded as I sat up, Daniel looked a little disappointed as I got ready to leave but he soon smiled again.

"How about we save water?" Daniel asked as he pulled me back to him, placing a light kiss on my lips. I pulled away pretty quickly because I probably have the worse morning breath.

"I'm okay with that," I smirked as I jumped up. Daniel looked kind of shocked that I'd actually agreed, he then slid from the bed and followed me to the bathroom.

            Once I'd finished brushing my teeth, I joined Daniel who was already washing his hair in the shower. "Take your time why don't you," Daniel joked as he placed his hands on my stomach.

"Geez, sorry that I wanted to brush my teeth," I responded as I kissed Daniel's cheek.

"I brushed my teeth as well, it just didn't take me one million years to do so," Daniel added as he ran his hands down my stomach, only stopping at my waistline.

"You're so touchy-feely," I admitted as I put my hands on top of Daniel's, stopping him from moving his any further.

"Don't act like you don't love it," Daniel responded, his voice sounded so seductive.

"Daniel, stop it," I muttered as I began washing my hair, adding shampoo. This only made Daniel's smirk grow as he slowly lowered his hands. "Behave, you arse," I continued as I tried to stop the shampoo from running into my eyes.

"You're so boring," Daniel laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist before moving into kiss me again, I didn't mind this so much.

            Both Daniel and I were washed yet we still decided to hang out in the shower. I was pushed against the shower wall as Daniel put his arms either side of my head. I smiled as the water trickled down his face, falling in little droplets from his hair. I mean Daniel was naturally gorgeous, but with the water on him he was completely irresistible.

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