Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

<Daniel's POV>

I walked aimlessly around the school halls; my hands were in my pockets as I scanned the crowded space. I wasn't scanning the hall for my girlfriend or best friend like usual, this time I was looking for someone I supposedly hated, Jamie. 

When two cold hands covered my eyes, I flinched back in surprise. "Babe, are you looking for me?" Paige whispered into my ear flirtatiously. As I turned around whilst her hands made their way to my neck.

"Of course I was looking for you," I lied, smiling back in the charming way that made everyone believe anything I said. "Sorry I couldn't come over last night, I had detention and then boxing training," I continued, this time truthfully.

"That's fine, babe, I had some of the girls' over and we watched some soppy chick flick anyway; I'm sure you would've loved it," Paige laughed as her lips made their way to my mouth. I didn't even resist, even though my mind was else were I couldn't not want to kiss my beautiful girlfriend.

"Oh my God, you two need to get a room," the familiar sound of Kayden's voice shouted into my left ear making me quickly jump back from Paige, and making Kayden gain a quick punch in the ribs. He let out an 'ouuf' sound before straightening himself up. "Stop with the punching, asshole," Kayden whined as he rubbed his ribs once over before smacking me back in the stomach.

"Stop yelling in my ears then, I do like being able to hear you know," I replied in the same tone that Kayden had just used on me, defending my own torso from his attacks. "Oh, there is a boxing match on tonight at like seven. Are you coming with me?" I asked Kayden, like usual Kayden just nodded before draping an arm over my shoulder and leading me to tutor. Paige continued to hold my hand at the side of me.

            First thing today I had science, with Jamie. Instead of sitting in my usual spot beside Paige, I decided to sit by Jamie. "Cory sits there," Jamie told me as soon as I placed my bum in the seat.

"Not today he doesn't," I instructed as I placed my bag under the table and focused on what the teacher was saying. I looked over to Paige and saw her giving me a confused look whilst she signalled for Cory to sit by her.

"What do you want then?" Jamie questioned, he sounded a little grouchier than usual today.

"What do you mean what do I want? Aren't I allowed to sit by you because I want to sit by you?" I asked as I looked to the front of the class again.

"You never want to sit by me; in case you forgot, you don't like me," Jamie stated, that hurt me for some reason. I felt the guilt fill me again.

"In all honesty you aren't that bad," I admitted truthfully, he was actually an alright lad.

"Thanks," he responded, looking confused, as if he wasn't sure what to answer. "Is that because I have no parents?"Jamie asked me as he leant on his desk before staring at me with his light grey orbs.

"No Jamie, that's not the reason." It actually isn't the reason, sure it was the reason I felt so guilty for him, but even without that he's an okay kind of guy.

"Well at least that's one guy less to punch me in the face right?" Jamie asked with a small smile, I looked at him; he was so innocent looking it was adorable. Adorable? No.

            As the lessons went on I continued, I continued to speak to Jamie about different things but I honestly just wanted him to answer me a couple of questions. "So do you have any siblings?" I asked.

"I have a sister, Amy-Jane, and a step-brother," Jamie told me simply. "What about you?" he asked back blankly.

"I have three brothers and a sister," I told Jamie. "How come you moved to London?"

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