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In the doctor's eyes, yes she knew she wasn't doing the right thing to help these boys. But she didn't find it fair how skinny they really were. They were gorgeous, not an inch of fat on their bones.

She had a divorce, diet pills, and a big nasty secret. That secret will soon enough reveal itself from the lips of he who created it.

She wiped her angry tears and kicked her purse under her desk, this time the pills left at home. She wasn't healthy, she knew starving herself wouldn't help, but she had to be skinnier.

It was why her husband left her anyway, he only shook his head with a disgusted frown. "You're really letting yourself go," are the harsh words that made their way to her ears.

She couldn't respond, she only stood at the front door while he walked out. She became twisted in a sense. Whenever she glanced in the mirror a false, distorted image of fat represented herself.

In reality she wasn't all that fat, she had a small muffin top and she wasn't too thin or too large. But even her mother, who lay on her death bed, urged her to go to the gym or go on a diet.

So you see, she isn't a horrible person because she chooses to be. It's not like she woke up one day and decided to make their lives living hell.

She's just been a little unlucky in family choices and boyfriends. But that a doesn't give her an excuse does it?

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