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Phil was called to the doctor's office, the bulky nurse appeared in his doorway to take him there. Lately he'd been enjoying himself, reading, writing, sleeping, all in the presence of silence. But nobody could keep it that way, he was disturbed, naturally.

The only moment he dreaded was group therapy, but honesty who didn't loathe it?

When he arrived at Dr. Biché's office she welcomed him with a smile overly sugary. He'd heard of this smile from Chris, it meant bad things were coming your way.

"I'd like to discuss your room assignment," she began while sitting in her comfy black chair. "It seems we cannot have three people share a room or one person have one alone. It's a hazard or something like that," she was still smiling, "so you'll be switched into the girls ward. Your mother told me of your sexual preferences so I don't think we have to worry about you now do we?"

Phil was feeling something he hadn't know how to describe. It was a mix of anger, confusion, shock, and paranoia with a slight hint of betrayal.

Phil wanted to take this lady by the throat and smash her face in. But he smiled her same sugary smile and nodded with an, "okay."

She smiled wider, with the same reply of, "okay."

Bruised (Phan) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now