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After meds was group therapy. It's safe to assume that everyone pretty much loathed GT except the doc.

She sat within the disfigured oval and it seemed everyone had a noticeably larger space between them than before. Everyone had frowns on their lips and one even had his arms crossed.

"New medication assignments," she smiled at everyone, especially at Chris. He crossed his legs and looked away, she won. But then again she always won.

She had assigned Chris geodon, some side affects were bleeding, bruising, weight gain, hypotension, and the list really seemed endless. It was used as a mood stabilizer.

Chris was furious, just another pill added to the seven he already had to take. And those were only in the morning.

Chris didn't feel so good, stress was weighing him down and Pj ignoring him wasn't any help either. Chris was constantly feeling lightheaded and achy. As he slept Pj noticed something.

Usually when Chris slumbered close against the wall, blankets up to his neck, you could hear his breathing, light and steady. Tonight however, there was no sound, no steady rise and fall of his chest, and no light breathing.

It was safe to say he freaked, grabbing whatever nurse was around and trying awaken the insensitive boy.

Chris was sent to the ER just below, only allowed one visiter per day. He had no family so nobody was expecting anyone to come, until they saw a green eyed boy with flowers walk in.

He sat near the hospital bed and sighed. He said a few final words, a faint smile to his lips. Tears pricked at his eyes.

"I don't hate you, Chris, I think that much is obvious."

Then he placed the magnolias on the bedside table, leaned in to kiss Chris' cheek, and went on his way.

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