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At around two a team of Dan and Pj snuck into the girls ward to retrieve Phil.

Chris had told Pj all he knew about getting into and out of the girls unit, he was a vital part of this. there was only one nurse to sneak by, she was a blonde with hair tied in a bun and she dozed off in a chair. They looked at all the name tags upon the doors and finally at the end of the hall they found him.

Dan shook Phil awake lightly, the doll stirred before looking in confusion at the two that were in his room. Meanwhile Pj looked confused at the girl who lay in the other bed.

"We've got to go," Dan rushed. Phil didn't question it, he grabbed his pack and ran quietly with the boys back to Caspar. Still not knowing what in the hell was going on.

Casper explained to all of them once more what they were to do, Connor would distract the nurse saying he couldn't sleep, the nurse would attend to him immediately because of how innocent he sounded and looked, meanwhile all the boys took that time to rush and get retrieve their packs. Meeting at lounge.

Once this phase was done Joe would run to the nurses station and grab the key card.

Only one problem, Pj refused to leave without Chris.

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