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Pj comforted Dan, maybe not in the way Connor would, but just enough so Dan found solace in him. He relaxed, drying tears that hadn't yet fallen, and gripped Pj's shoulders with a need. Pj fulfilled the need with a hug, a soft hug with arms wrapped around shoulders and faces stuffed in necks.

Meanwhile, the doctor grinned at Chris and suggested some room changes. She ended up switching everyone in the ward.

Connor was bunked with Tyler, Troye with Dan once more, Pj with Chris, Joe with Caspar and Phil in one alone.

Phil appreciated the quiet, he was tired of all the drama. He normally wasn't one for gossip or social activities, and with his new room he sat in comfortable silence with a grin joining his lips.

Joe and Caspar rolled their eyes at one another with a wide smile, "this is gonna be fun," Joe laughed. "I suggest you hide your underwear," replied Caspar with a smirk.

Connor ignored Tyler as best as he could, unpacking for the billionth time because he wasn't satisfied with the organization of everything. Tyler opened his mouth to say something and Connor stopped him with a few words of his own. "Just don't," he interrupted, "just leave me alone."

Pj walked into the room with a hard frown, eyes avoiding Chris. Dan had been right about his insensitivity. "Pj," Chris started only to be quieted with a slam of the bathroom door. The water turned on, and Chris was left alone with a silence he loathed.

Troye stared at Dan, Dan at Troye, and both looked away. Troye placed his magazine on the desk in the corner and began unpacking. "You're sick," said Dan. He noticed and pulled out a book of Dan's, one he often read, pages sticky looking. Opening the book he saw the chocolate covered words and with a knowing look, countered, "So are you."

And the doctor sat in her comfy black chair with a grin, this would prove to be amusing.

Because the goal here wasn't recovery, it was money.

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