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The second Tyler laid eyes on Troye he felt his stomach flutter. Or his heart, or something like that.

Feelings were so confusing but as soon as he took one look, one really good look, at Troye he couldn't tear his eyes away. Troye was slender, tall, and beautiful. From his thin, but full, lips to his wonderfully entrancing eyes. The bones in his wrist evident, the veins that pronounced themselves. The mass of curls sitting atop his head. Everything.

Troye smiled at him a few times out of kindness, the boy sat beside him seemed to roll his eyes at Tyler. The eye roller was short and pretty enough, hints of flesh visible on his bones.

He didn't know what he did to deserve dislike but whatever it is was contagious. The eye roller, Connor, didn't like him he assumed. Neither did Chris. And from the looks Dan were giving him he'd say neither did he.

All different reasons as you might imagine. Dan didn't like Tyler because, in his words, "the dorkiest bunked with the prettiest. Unbelievable!"

Connor didn't because of the jealousy he was feeling, Troye was just starting to open up to him. He didn't need this new lover boy to ruin it.

And Chris didn't because he was Chris. Chris didn't like change, he didn't like his friends being friends with others, and he certainly didn't like how pure his new roommate was.

How immature of them all.

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