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Dan really dreaded today. It was four in the morning, he hadn't slept in three days, and he knew he gained weight.

He felt sickly inside, all messed up. Not to mention he loathed that Doctor. Why did his porcelain beauty have to put up with the meanest and the dorkiest. He deserved to be put with one as pure as he, one fitting.

Dan noticed how many of the roommates were getting along, how really well they were getting along. Connor and Troye for one were the most obvious. Connor, dreamily, would gaze at Troye during therapy and dinner with no shame. Giving a glare to anyone that even looked Troye's way.

The next was obviously Chris and Phil. Dan clenched his teeth in jealousy. Chris would steal looks at Phil while he was doing anything obliviously. Be it writing in a journal given by the doc or reading a book or eating. Chris would steal glances, short ones that left him smiling softly. Dan disliked this pair the most.

Next up? The new kid. Tyler constantly had hearts surrounding him whenever Troye was even a inch away. Connor didn't like this too much but hey, advantage as a roommate means home court which also means first serve. Or... something like that.

"Morning sessions in five," the new nurse hummed. She was bubbly and too sweet for Dan's liking. She had shiny teeth and was fairly thin but Dan could still see the fat on her arms. It made his stomach groan with displeasure.

She held a tray with medications filed on top. Woah. He knew his cup didn't have as many as Pj's. The brown eyes boy had two pills, Dan glanced at Pj's and saw he had six. Four big, two small. They looked like they'd put a lump in Dan's throat should he try to swallow them. In response, Dan furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips.

Pj cringed at his look, messy hair and signs of no sleep in his eyes. Odd, Dan didn't notice him up last night? Or did he? He suddenly couldn't remember. And then after gulping the pills in one go Pj rolled his eyes.

"Fuck jeans, I'm going in my pajamas."

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