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Dan missed Phil, his skinny and perfect angel. His beautiful porcelain doll. He didn't have anymore laxatives and he couldn't read his book because almost every page had chocolate remnants and blurred words.

Troye missed Connor, terribly and he didn't know why. There was an ache in his chest, a hurdle in his way of seeing him. He wanted Connor so bad, so bad. He ran his tongue over the magazine page, crying now and wishing Connor were there to hug him, comfort him, tell him he actually mattered.

Dan grabbed the magazine, placing it on the desk and sat beside Troye on his bed. He grabs Troye's shoulders and pulls the boy against him, his skinny frame supporting the other.

They both cry, to each other that is. "I miss Connor," Troye admits. "I miss Phil," Dan admits. They both lay against each other for a while, sad and aching.

"I don't want to lick anymore, Dan," Troye sobs. "Me either," Dan fills. And together they take their laxative filled words and trash them. A grin appearing over their tears.

Meanwhile, Connor lay with his face in his pillow and sobbing. He didn't have Troye or Dan to help him, to soothe him. Until he heard a creak of the bed, and felt a hand rub his back.

It was Tyler, cheeks pink as strawberry milk and eyes looking away from him. "It'll be okay," he murmurs shyly. Connor instantly sat up, smiling with tears staining his cheeks. He hugged Tyler so tightly, he needed his comfort and he needed love. When he thought about it, comfort anyone could give.

But love seemed entirely too confusing, he only saw blue eyes and curly hair. He saw Troye.

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