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"Today's exercise is a group project, you'll pair with your roommate to create a representation of the person you both want to be."

Chris snorted, arms crossing with frown. "Creativity levels?" Pj asked with a raised eyebrow. The doctor nodded, a small smile. A permanent grin always seemed to be etched into her face, it never left.

Everyone paired up and Dan found himself sighing. He realized he had mixed feelings about Pj and honestly thought there should be ten Connors paired with every person.

Connor was the only one who actually tried to get better, he'd slip up sometimes, sure, but who didn't? Connor was positive, he was comforting. And Dan wished Connor was still his roommate.

Dan sat beside Pj wish a small smile, one Pj did not return. He looked exhausted and paranoid. Dan wished he knew just how to comfort someone, the only thing he'd ever done was lend a shoulder. He didn't know any words to say.

So he patted Pj's back softly and picked up a pencil. "Let's get started, yeah?"

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