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Chris didn't bother with a hello, the only one he missed was his Pj. He refused Joe's offer to wake the boy up, he had caused Pj enough stress. He only watched the boy slumber peacefully, crescent eyelashes contrasting with his pale face and eyebrows, for once, not furrowed.

After Caspar had explained to Chris the plan the nesty haired boy only nodded in response. They all set anxiously, some biting their nails others shaking their legs.

When Pj awoke he couldn't believe his eyes, the tears returned and he practically jumped on Chris, smiling into the boy's shoulder. The two shared a kiss that had the other boys blushing. Zoë only grinned.

Dan gripped Phil's hand in response. Finally getting off the bus they all stalked into the night, already battling sleep that threatened to overcome their eyes. They encouraged each other, continued walking their way to Caspar's mansion where eventually they'd all split off.

After an hour, blistering feet, and red rimmed eyes they had made it. They all shuffled with words. "Phil and I," Dan started quietly, but he needn't finish. They all understood, and off into the night they went, after shaking each person's hand.

Joe only stood closer to Caspar, answering everyone's questioning look. Zoë's brows raised as she overlooked everyone. Connor grabbed Troye's hand, Tyler averting his eyes. They gave it a squeeze and smiled at one another, walking the opposite direction of Dan and Phil.

Pj, clinging to Chris' arm, smiled at everyone. "Thank you," he said before walking down the same path as the doll and the dunce.

Zoë looks over Tyler's features, he looked about ready to cry and so she hooked her arm in his and grinned happily. "I like your minty hair," she giggled, "Let's travel the world!" And they were off.

Police had never found any of the couples, only a few letters found in their rooms with proof of Dr.Biché and her schemes. The pairs never heard from another again, all laughing in a different part of their own little word.

No longer starved, they fed on love.

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