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Pj, in his monster pajamas, sat with crossed legs on the day couch. He had a fist to his cheek and a frown on his lips. He watched everyone interacting, Troye with Connor, Tyler with Phil. The only one alone would be Chris. Dan was off reading in the room being the antisocial he was.

Chris noticed Pj as well, he noticed how both were just sitting, watching others. That's not really fun is it? So Chris stood, took a seat next to Pj on the too blue couch, and grinned his Cheshire grin.

"Hope you don't mind," he patted Pj's thigh. "I was lonely over there and it looked like you were lonely over here. Let's be lonely together, yeah?" Pj's frown dissipated and he found himself ready to burst into a fit of laughs.

Dan always said Chris was the meanest person, but it's more like you have to understand him. Or at least try to. And Pj decided he would.

"Any special talents?" Pj grinned. "I can draw a pony with a big dick," Chris laughed at his own answer. Pj right along with him.

They both now sat at the tables in the corner, pen in hand and drawing ponies with large penises. Some purple, some pink, some green.

"Thank you," Pj smiled to Chris, a sincere grin Chris didn't know he would cherish. And before the seriousness of the feelings he was suddenly feeling took over, Chris shook it off and continued on with his humor. Bowing his head and smirking at Pj.

"But of course, good sir."

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