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Tyler and Connor were similar you could say. Both were sweet and kind but when it came to love it had to be theirs or they would break.

Connor was never loved, not even by his mother whom he looked up to and aspired to be like. Therefore he thought it only fair that he love everyone, except the person trying to take the love away.

In this situation it was Tyler. While Tyler was never loved either, he'd been adopted. The cause of the lack of love was because of how obese Tyler was. This made him transition to fingers down his throat and tears in his eyes, bent over.

"Connor," Tyler spoke softly, almost quietly. Connor ignored him and continued writing in his journal, the book was practically his life. Tyler took out from behind his back a single rose and attached to it a small bear, he placed it on the corner of Connor's bed.

Then he went to shower before dinner, something both of them loathed. Connor picked up the rose, with yellow petals smiling at him he picked up the bear. It was adorable and even he couldn't deny that.

"Great, Tyler. You've managed to make me feel like an asshole."

In the back of his mind was Chris, "you brought that on yourself." And as he stuck a middle finger to the air, aimed to Chris, Tyler walked out and thought it directed at him. He nodded and frowned, pursing his lips.

Connor quickly retracted his bird and was it possible to feel like an even bigger ass? So he spoke his mind, flopping onto his bed with an exhale, attempting to articulate words to Tyler only to have profanity escape.


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