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honestly I'm just in bed updating and watching gay anime

guys go watch Love Stage, it's cool

Chris finally awoke, nobody alerted that he'd be transferred to a different EDU. He was too sick. He needed private one on one which he couldn't get here.

Chris was still groggy but he couldn't stay, Pj was tearing him apart, the doctor ruining his life.

When Pj walked in the room and laid his eyes upon Chris he couldn't breathe. His eyes were wide and his chest was overly fluttery in that moment. He ran and jumped on Chris, arms going around his neck as they both fell.

Pj didn't hesitate to smother Chris in kisses. Chris was surprised, fuck that he was confused. "Weren't you mad at me?" Pj ended his fit of kisses with a final one on his lips, soft and sad in an I miss you way.

"Who the hell do you think left all those flowers?" Pj was on the verge of tears, arms still around Chris' neck and a grin on his lips. Chris frowned pushing Pj lightly.

"I'm leaving, Pj," Chris filled. Pj on top of him smothering him on kisses, he couldn't believe it. He wanted to stay, with Pj, to have these kisses everyday. But he couldn't, his body couldn't.

Pj's grin fell, furrowed brows and an ache hitting him. Reality smacked him. "Leaving?" He tried to comprehend the word, it left a bitter taste on his tongue.

"I don't want you to leave," Pj said in barely a whisper, words so light and frail, if they broke then surely he would too.

Pj's face scrunched into despair, awful aches accompanied him everywhere and his hands were shaking so violently. Tears fell from his beautiful crystal mint eyes and he shook his head.

"Please don't leave me here."

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