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Dan turned his back to Troye and opened the chocolate filled book, it'd been after breakfast and his tongue had the displeasure of the licking off every word.

Troye had his back turned as well, eyes puffy and tongue rolling across the model's legs, he needed this stuff like a drug. It pumped through him and he took pleasure in it.

They both had one goal in common, get skinnier. It's all they thought, all they felt, all they had. Both were running out of pages to lick and both needed this like they needed oxygen to breathe. A day without it had them itchy.

The next trip to the market was before dinner and then another month long wait. So this meant a majority of the green greed in their pocket went to something disgustingly satisfying. Laxatives.

The doctor knew Dan and Troye were the sickest, the most mentally unstable besides Chris. She knew they were vulnerable and would only bring the other down, so she bunked them.

She knew Pj like the back of her hand. She knew how sensitive he was and how obvious he acted. He liked Chris, but maybe not right now. And she would use that against him.

Her goal was to exploit every weakness and use it as an advantage.

Troye turned to Dan, Dan to Troye, and they both looked away. It was so painfully present; the sickness. And both wished Connor were there.

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