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Tyler felt lonely at first but he never knew how much he could love Zoë. They traveled everywhere, from planes to cars to on foot to even on the back of a strange stripper man named Korey.

Zoë was currently clutching the steering wheel of yet another rented car, she laughed loudly with the music drifting out the windows. Tyler's phone began to buzz, he ignored it with turning the music up louder.

"Hopefully the speakers don't blow like the last one!" She practically screamed over the music with a ginormous grin upon her lips. After the fifty vibrates he lowered the music and answered the phone, "Hello?" Of course with an attitude.

"It's Joe," he laughs lightly. He'd completely forgotten Zoë had a brother, he facepalmed himself mentally completely shocked at how he could forget such a hottie.

Tyler instantly throws the phone to Zoë, she picks it up sticking a tongue out at Tyler. "Joe? Yeah? Seriously? But, but Ohio, Joe," she whines.

After hanging up she makes a sudden, and sharp, U-turn. "We're all meeting at Caspar's," she rolls her eyes.


Connor sat on the floor between Troye's legs reading the iconic Flowers For Algernon when Troye's cell interrupted him. Troye sat above Connor in his comfy arm chair with a plate of fruit in one hand and his cell in the other.

"Yeah?" Troye informally answered, and after a frown came, "No way!" His eyes flickered down at a curious Connor and he huffed with an eyeroll. "It's Dan," he supplied, "he wants to meet up."

Connor's eyes widened and a smile touched his face, "are you serious?" Troye nodded and tossed him the phone, a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

After hanging up Connor practically sprang up running to get his suit case. He came rushing out with a laugh, "Goodbye California!"

After setting his suit case down he walks over and pops a grape in his mouth, stuffing his book in a side bag. Suddenly stopping he turns on his heel and smiles at Troye.

"Nothing to be jealous of, I chose you to live with all this time didn't I?" Troye, embarrassed, nods.

"I missed wearing sweaters so badly!" He smiled at one Troye had got him; all black with the lettering TRXYE.

"This is gonna be such a long flight," Troye groans.


Pj exhales, a film of sweat covering his entire body. Beside him Chris lay with a phone to his ear and the blankets pulled to his waist.

"You know dipshit you're kind of interrupting something," he huffs. "Watch it, I'll shove a broom so far up your ass," he's cut off by Pj grabbing the phone with a lazy smile. He mouths, I've got this before standing.

"Phil? Wow! It's been what? Two years?" Chris rolls his eyes and stalks to the bathroom mumbling something like you didn't even fucking finish before slamming the door.

"Don't worry," Pj laughs, "we'll be there."


Jealousy was evident in every room of the Sugg/Lee household.

Connor running to Dan had Troye in a hissy fit, Tyler running to Connor left Zoë rolling her eyes, Joe running to Zoë had Caspar pouting, and Chris conversing with Phil had Pj smiling tightly. They all had grown little, still all immature.

Neither of the boys or girl had any type of eating disorder, they all had something positive in their lives. Caspar stood on his table with a wide smile and the support from Joe beside him.

"What do you guys think of opening a hotel?" He practically shouted, and sure enough every single person in the room cheered.


"Chris," Caspar groaned, "no sex in the break room, got it?" Pj, embarrassed of course, nodded pulling down his shirt. Chris wasn't sorry, that he made clear when he licked his fingertips.

Connor brought up the room service with a smile, Troye practically drooling over his baby in a suit and tie with a chocolate cake in hand.

Phil gazed dreamily and his perfect Dan, conversing with a customer at the register, a tie firmly secure around his neck and a long sleeve pulled up to his elbows. "I'm in love," he sighed.

Tyler laughed with Zoë, both with suit cases in hand and glared at each other. "Race you to the top?" Tyler gripped the suit case in hand and nodded. They both flew up the stairs, Zoë not caring about her skirt flying in every which way.

Joe grinned with Caspar as they cleaned a customers room, both a pair working completely in sync. Caspar pecked Joe and rushed to clean the bathroom, Joe grinned lazily. "That won't stop me from pranking you," he sang. Caspar groaned.

And this was their lives, a team running together. Forever in the comfort of their partner's arms.

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